Thursday, September 24, 2009

WOTD v.07 [10 Things I Hate About You]

I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair,
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare,
I hate your big dump combat boots and the way you read my mind,
I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme,
I hate the way your always right,
I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh even worse when you make me cry,
I hate it when you are not around and the fact that you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Note: From the movie 10 Things I Hate About You

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Syawal 1430

Kedatangan Syawal pada hari Ahad lalu membawa bermacam kisah suka dan memori terindah. Bersama keluarga tercinta dan sanak saudara. Gambar di atas adalah gambar saya bersama keluarga. Kurang 2 orang dalam gambar ini, Allahyarham Abah and Abang Aju yang sedang bekerja.

Kisah di hari pertama Syawal:

"Bangun pagi dan bersiap-siap untuk pergi menunaikan solat sunat Aidilfitri di masjid baru. Pada setiap tahun kebiasaannya sambutan Aidilfitri akan dimulakan di kampung halaman Batu Pahat. Sudah mandi mengenakan jubah berwarna coklat dan disisipkan bersama wangi-wangian call Nazril untuk pergi bersama-sama menunaikan solat sunat Aidilfitri.

Tahun ini kami sempat tiba untuk menunaikan solat sunat Aidilfitri bersama para jemaah lain walaupun tiba dalam jam 8.30am. Rasanya masjid ini mula solat jam 8.45am. Setelah 12 kali takbir kami duduk mendengar khutbah solat sunat Aidilfitri. Pengisian khutbah pada kali ini menerangkan cara-cara meneguhkan lagi keimanan seorang yang beragama Islam.

Setelah selesai solat sunat Aidilfitri, Nazril menghantar diri ini pulang ke rumah. Beliau pada tahun ini berhajat untuk memakai celak. Hanya ibuku yang biasa memakaikan celak kepada anak-anak dan cucu-cucunya. Saya terkecuali. Hee...

Sesi bermaaf-maafan di pagi Syawal dimulakan, pada tahun ini saya tidak mengeluarkan duit raya atas sebab-sebab yang kukuh. Hee...Kemudian dalam lebih kurang jam 10.30am setelah semua bersedia kami keluar menuju ke rumah pertama. Rumah Alah (kakak kepada ibu saya). Inilah adalah seperti rumah wajib pada setiap kali berhari raya, sanak saudara akan berkumpul disini.

Setibanya di rumah itu, sesi mengambil gambar dengan rakusnya dimulakan. Hee...Selang setengah jam akan tibalah saudara-mara yang lain untuk bersama-sama meraikan antara hari yang mulia ini. Makanan terhidang, ketupat & rendang menjadi juadah tidak kurang pulang nasi beriani manjadi santapan para tetamu.

Gelak ketawa, cahaya dari kamera masing-masing mengisi seluruh ruang rumah itu menjadi tanda kegembiraan para hadirin yang hadir pada hari itu. Adik beradik saling bermaafan, sepupu-sepupu berkumpul. Indah sungguh suasana di hari itu.

Jam sudah menunjukkan 4.30pm, kebanyakkan saudara-mara sudah beransur menuju ke rumah berikutnya. Kami pun bakal menyusul ke rumah Daddylong (Abang kepada ibuku Nahidah Bte Nani). Di sana walaupun ruang agak kecil tetapi kemeriahan itu masih ada dan ia menjadi segar didalam memori saya ini. Tidak kurang hebatnya makanan yang disajikan. ALhamdulillah. Kenyang perut suka hati. Hee...

Kami sekeluarga berada disana sehingga jam 8.00pm kemudian terus ke rumah aunty Nozie (adik kepada ibu saya). Disana bukan kira penat atau letih, masing-masing masih bertenaga, terdengar suara-suara lantang menyambut kedatangan Syawal ini. Masih lagi kami di sajikan makanan-makanan yang enak belaka. Sekali lagi saya memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi atas limpahan kurnianya terhadap semua rezeki yang diberikan.

Alhamdulillah...Suasana menyambut Syawal pada kali ini tidak kurang hebatnya dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Walaupun pada tahun ini kami sekeluarga tidak turun ke Johor Bahru (kebiasaannya akan ke rumah Tok Ne, berjumpa dengan Allahyarham Abah, rumah aunty Itam) tetapi segala urusan di hari itu dipermudahkan dan disenangkan hati masing-masing."

Friday, September 18, 2009

PAPAN NOTIS! [Mohon Maaf Zahir & Batin]

Assalamualaikum to all readers,

Di sini saya ingin memohon maaf di atas segala salah silap yang disengajakan ataupun tidak sepanjang readers membaca blog ini atau yang mengenali saya sendiri. Mohon maaf dunia & akhirat.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir & Batin.

"Bersedihlah ke atas pemergian Ramadhan dan bergembiralah pada kedatangan Syawal"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Iftar Satay

Yes..semalam we all berbuka di Sate Kajang Hj Samuri..best2..tukar selera tak makan nasi..kami order satay ayam (20), daging lembu (20), perut (10) yg hanya dimakan oleh Nas & Kiyai.

Dah lama gak I didn't have satay. Last makan masa surprise birthday Nas at the end of July...So after buka puasa nih..Nas, Ana & Me went to melantak ais krim di McD. Sundae Chocolate satu!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Buka Puasa with Ex-DIIM UiTM Segamat

The dishes we had...*i think theres 2 more..but tak sempat to take the picture..huhu..

Yesterday I had my Iftar with some of my friends from UiTM Segamat. They are all from our batch DIIM Dec '02-05. It has been nice to see all of you again.

Well I arrived around 615pm..sampai je I went to Maxis center to send my handphone *ohh ada cerita laen dalam cerita yang sebenar..(my LG Arena tu make some problems since sunday..hanglah,suke restart tetibelah,my music player tak bley playlah,my picture gallery tak boleh bukak..beli mahal2 tp problem je..hampeh Monday I went to Maju Junction nak hantar betol lah..pastu dak kedai cakap..nak cepat hantar sendiri, sehari boleh siap..kalau die hantarkan it takes 5 days..Oklah. On Tuesday I went to the Zitron place. Dahla ofis buruk, customer service die like shit, sooooo very rude, tak comm. skill, muke harap cantek perangai macam dengan manusia laen macam najis tak guna minah tuh ngah taip2 dengan kasarnya..kalau ye pun period takde mood nak the 1st place jgn keja jadi customer service kalo tak suke OK!I said to her..give me back my phone..I'll send it later. Dahlah die baru lepas tekan print button..lantak ko lah.I took my phone and terus blah!) ok let's continue with the original story..hehe..I bebel lah to the girl cakap Zitron is bad lah, no manners, very rude, very inconvenientlah and everything. And then pujuk the girl I need to use it by raya cause I nak amek gambo nanti senang. I takde camera itu jela harapan camera 5 MP untuk beraya. (padahal dalam beg galas gua time tuh ade sibiji camera Sony H50..hahaha).Dia pun kesian cakap die try bagi the latest by Thursday. Teknik membuat muke kesian aku berjaya!Yeah!

After that terus naek level 1 terus ke Restoran Thai Krathong. Kalau you guys tak tau lagi mana Krathong is situated at level 1 Maju Junction. Bagi Arisonians anda semua mesti sudah jelak ngan restoran itu..hehe..The foods here they served Thai Foodlah kan..Obviously.

I requested from P-za to change the table from Non-Smoking to the table will be outside. It is much betterlah..Once I seated, Ujang, P-za and Malan are there already. They have taken the pleasure to order first and I dont know what did they ordered. After about 10 minutes, P-za's bf arrived, Hanafi was the name. And about 10 minutes before berbuka, Ben & Zaza arrived. So all of us are here, Emil cannot make it because she had a buka puasa at the Istana and Mul I think she couldn't be there on time. I think lah..So there were only 7 of gatheringlah nih..

We had our Iftar, we talked, we laughed, share stories, kept talking about those was good then and still fresh till now..Overall, I would say the Iftar was a Success. Mission Accomplished.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nasi+Telur Goreng+Bawang+Kicap

Emm..Yup.Yup. 2 days in a row I ate. Not bad actually. I like very much. Simple food. Since this whole month of Ramadhan I have been eating all kinds of food and we are suppose to be more "Sederhana" ok!

Baby Nia was hospitalized yesterday, and I got it from Nany's Facebook. Kesian dia. Looking at all the pics. Macam sihat plak. Hee. Hope she get better soon...

Like the title...This is year I am not celebrating Eid with a Bang. Like every other year. Still no Bang! Just a simple one. No baju raya. No seluar raya. No kasut raya. No to everything. Hmm...Sad kan? Since that I am jobless, not so much money (since the ehem...cancel..i'm using it for backup), no partner for life, father will not be celebrating with us for the 1st time (well he did once did not celebrate with us..but that was he is really gone) I have to say I am not all looking forward for Eid.

Ramadhan almost ends...I think I am going to cry. Huhu...Celebrate Eid with Joy only on the first day. Balik kampung??? Yup. Bila? That depends. This weekend was suck! Saturday didn't go anywhere. Sunday? Mostly kemas my room with all those letters put aside (People this is a retention programme..still got some more sorting to do). Tomorrow I am targeting to clear up my wardrobe. If that is possible. Today, wash my comforter, my bedsheet, pillow case and whatever what not I can wash.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crowne Plaza Hotel Ramadhan Buffet

Alright..yesterday I got to buka puasa at Crowne Plaza Hotel. The place was exquisite. They have a very large selection of foods. Range from Malay traditional food to Western cuisine. Simply marvelous.

For buka puasa, I started with the Chicken Rice and it's roasted chicken. Plus I put steamed fish and chicken sausage. The chicken rice was good, the steamed fish was excellent. I thought that wasn't enough so was the soft was delicious.

*I think this is a picture of my meal..hee..

They more selections of food. Things I can remember like the first part I think for Chinese cuisine. They have chicken rice, roasted chicken, steamed fish, dim sum and what's that famous Chinese vege???hee...

Beside the Chinese cuisine is Malay cuisine. They have nasi putih, nasi tomato, ayam masak merah, beef rendang (I think), lemak ketam, sayur sotong. And there also they have like all fried stuff (Crabs, fish, chicken wings & vege's (urghh...)). And also there is sushi..who is eating that?yuks!

Ok. Then we take a look at the Japanese corner. They have this tepanyaki...and steammed seadfood...Wait.wait.I think I have the picture..Hold on..

*Here it is...
Then at the pool side...They have grilled fish, pasta & fettucini, frieds kuey teow, mee or mee hoon. I think cause I didn't went outside. By then I was too full. At the entrance...they have grilled lamb with nasi tomato. The grilled lamb was good and the mint sauce...Nyum!Hee...The assam laksa wasn't nice...Bestari's Assam Laksa is much better.

They have all kinds of desserts, kuihs, then have ABC, rojak, ice creams. A lot more to choose, fuh and you can't possibly think you can ate them all. But it was worth it to taste a lot of food for free. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks to Nany & Fahmi for inviting me. May Allah bless you guys.

*I rate the food as 3.5 STAR...yeah because I can only count on the chicken rice on my review...hee

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Warkah untuk Farha Siri 2.0

“Ermm. A’a rindu kot. Ssh! Jangan cakap dengan orang tau?Hehe..” Adam membaca SMS beliau.

“Susah? Rindu pun susah ke? Baby tak fahamlah.” balas Adam.

“Hehe. A’a cakap A’a rindu kot kat orang tu. Tak paham gak ke? Ssh (suruh senyap jangan bagitau orang lain) bukan susahlah.” SMS diterima Adam kembali.

“Hahaha. Saja nak mengusik A’a. Baby faham sebenarnya. Takkan rindu je kot?” tanya Adam.

“Mengadalah Baby ni! Ish. Rindu kat awaklah!!” SMS dibalas kepada Adam.

Adam terbangun apabila alarm handphonenya berdering. Dah pukul 4.30 am. Beliau terus ke bilik air di bilik hotelnya. Beliau ketika ini sedang berkursus di Bayview Hotel Pulau Pinang.

“Alamak tak kejut Azmil lagi ni” bicara didalam hati Adam.

“Azmil. Bangun. Jom sahur. Dah 4.40 am ni.” Adam mengejutkan Azmil.

Bingkas Azmil bangun dan mereka turun bersahur. Selepas bersahur mereka naik ke tingkat 3 untuk menunaikan solat Subuh. Selesai Subuh ada pula kuliah Subuh sehingga jam 7.00 am.

Mereka naik ke bilik mereka di tingkat 7 untuk bersiap-siap kerana ada ceramah jam 8.00 am. Sementara menunggu Azmil di bilik, Adam menelefon Lina.

“Assalamualaikum. Awak tengah buat apa? Tadi pagi sahur apa?” tanya Adam.

“Waalaikumussalam. Saya tengah tunggu awak telefonlah (kedengaran tawa kecil dari Lina). Ibu tadi masak tempe goreng sambal je. Makan jelah dengan nasi putih. Oh. Dengan telur masin. Sedap tau. Tadi awak sahur apa je?” balas Lina

“Tadi saya sahur mee hun goreng, cereal dengan nasi lemak. Banyakkan. Ini perut pula rasa tak sedap. Banyak sangat makan. Semalam dahlah makan jeruk asam tak ingat sebelum tidur.” Kata Adam.

“Pukul berapa check out nanti? Nanti sampai KL siapa ambil?” tanya Lina.

“Check out pukul 12 pm nanti. Letak beg dalam kereta lepas tu kena naik balik. Pukul 1.00 pm ada perjumpaan dengan Naib Caunselor sampai pukul 2 pm. Rasanya dalam pukul 4 pm barulah bertolak. Oklah. Saya nak mandi dulu. Nanti jangan lupa SMS saya. Bye.” Jawab Adam.

Pada keesokkan harinya...

“Awak nak pergi mana lagi shopping nih? Dah penat dah nih. Apa kata kita buka puasa dekat Mid Valley je. Boleh ajak Khairul dengan Sha sekali.” Tanya Adam.

“Yela. Saya nak cari baju kat kedai tu sekejap lepas tuh kita pergi Mid Valley ok? Kesian awak dah penat. Macam budak kecik perangai. Merengek je tau. Sabar ok? Tinggal 4 jam je lagi nak buka puasa.” Jawab Lina.

Tit!Tit! Kedengaran SMS masuk di handphone Adam.

“Jadi ke buka puasa sama ni? Aku boleh booking kan tempat kat sini. Ramai juga nanti yang nak join. Kau tiga orang kan? Nazli tahu ke plan kita ni?” SMS Roza.

“Jadi. Jadi. Kau pergi awal book jelah tempat. Nazli, Khai dengan Anwar dah ada kat sana. Aku nanti pergi ambil Fiza dekat KL Sentral. Dia sekarang dalam perjalanan dari Klang. Aku harap Nazli happylah dapat jumpa si Fiza nih. Dua-dua malu-malu kucing pula.” Jawab Adam.

Mereka semua sedang menunggu waktu untuk berbuka puasa. Adam, Lina bersama Fiza tiba lewat sikit. Dari kejauhan Roza Nampak mereka sedang berjalan. Waktu itu Nazli belum sedar apa-apa lagi. Fiza merupakan kakak angkat pada Adam dan Nazli ingin menjadikan Fiza kekasihnya tetapi kedua-dua mereka suka sangat main tarik tali. Inilah peluang Adam untuk merapatkan lagi hubungan mereka. Manalah tahu lepas berbuka puasa nanti mereka menjadi semakin rapat itu yang Adam cuba nak tolong.

Sewaktu mereka sedang berbuka apa yang diharapkan oleh Adam tidak kesampaian. Nazli menjadi semakin dingin dan wajahnya berubah apabila Adam membawa Fiza sekali. Jelas sekali muka ketidakpuashatian oleh Nazli. Sepanjang waktu berbuka Nazli banyak mendiamkan diri dan tidak menegur Fiaza. Terpaksalah Lina melayan si Fiza.

Pada malam itu juga mereka semua akan pulang ke kampong bersama-sama kecuali Khairul dan Anwar. Jadi selepas berbuka Adam dan Lina menghantar Fiza semula ke KL Sentral dan didalam perjalanan mereka berdua meminta maaf kepada Fiza sebab benda macam ni pulak yang jadi.

“Nanti apa-apa akak message jelah.” Kata Adam.

“Orait. No problem. Drive elok-elok tau kau orang.” Balas Fiza.

Didalam perjalanan pulang ke kampong, mood Nazli kembali seperti biasa. Beliau meminta maaf sebab tak tahu yang Fiza akan join bersama. Dia sebenarnya terkedu dan tak tahu nak buat apa. Nak cakap apa. Beliau segan dan malu sehinggakan menjadi takut.

“Tak apalah. Lain kali ada lagi. Jangan kau give up pulak.” Adam menenangkan Nazli.

Lina sedang lena tidur. Adam di tempat duduk belakang bersama dengan Lina. Nazli sedang memandu sementara Roza menemani Nazli sebagai co-pilot. Tit!Tit!Tit!Tit!

“Dah sampai mana tu adik?” tertera di handphone Adam.

“Jauh lagilah akak. Ada lagi 2 jam nak sampai. Akak tak tido lagi ke?” balas Adam.

“Belum lagi. Akak tak boleh nak tido rasanya. Tadi akak rasa macam dipermainkan tapi akak tahu dia bukan sengaja buat macam tuh. Akak rasa jeles tengok adik dengan Lina tadi.” Kata Fiza

“Eh. Nak jeles kenapa pulak akak nih?” tanya Adam.

“Akak jeles. Sebab adik layan Lina sebaik-baik lelaki layan perempuan. Sanggup buat apa sahaja. Adik selalu cerita macam mana adik layan dia. Adik sayangkan dia. Akak pun nak macam tu. Akak tak kisah kalau akak jadi orang nombor dua dalam hidup adik. Itu pun kalau Adam sudi?” kata Fiza.

“Akak ni biar betol? Kenapa sampai macam ni? Nazli tu yang suka dekat akak. Kalau dia tahu macam mana? Dia tu kawan baik adik. Adam tak nak gaduh sebab-sebab macam ni. Akak fikirlah betol-betol. Saya dah ada Lina. Cukuplah.” Balas Adam.

“Adam, saya dah fikir dah. Tapi terpulang kat Adam. Saya dah bersedia untuk jadi teman awak yang kedua. Saya tak kisah kalau awak lebihkan Lina sebab saya tahu dia yang pertama. Saya nak juga dilayan seperti mana awak melayan Lina. Ini akan menjadi rahsia kita berdua. Malam ini saya nak Adam jadi boyfriend saya. Nak kita couple. Adam setuju?” kata Fiza.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sesi TT ~ New Apparels

This is my two favorite apparel to wear..I got this from someone special before but then she is still special in my heart now..

A t-shirt saying "Overeducated. Underemployed" and a pair of Hugo jeans. I love it very much.

Just to share.. ;-)

Ramadhan 1430

Last Saturday we all geng budak-budak Batu Pahat buke puase at Restoran Puteri in TTDI. The buffet cost RM45 per person. The foods was excellent..the place was crowded but in the end I guess all of us are perfectly happy.

Need to story-story about the foods...Well, they have lauk-lauk (asam pedas, lemak ketam & siput sedut, mix vege, udang sambal, daging, ayam..tak ingat lauk on the other side). There is also a lot of kuih, fruits and deserts. Outside they have like mee (all types I think) goreng, ikan bakar, satay and ABC. Air panas and sejuk (teh tarek, coffee, oren, mata kucing, yg warna putih tu I didn't try I'm gonna kelapa?). It is OKla if you have to pay RM45 for all kind of foods.

I think this year punye crowd bigger than last year. And also ade new addition to the gang and perhaps the youngest..Welcome Baby Nia to our gathering..hehe..

I came wif Maria that day and we are the first ones to arrived. Then followed by Abang and Midy about 2minutes later. Abg Boy arrived 5 minutes afterwards. After that followed by Fahmi, Nany and Nia...Alip and Nurul, Kiyai and Didie..Nas and Ana..Shah and the last to arrive that day the newly weds...Azzuar and Zue.

OK!Inside these pictures yg ramai2 takde gambo Alip & Shah. Tak tau dieorg gi mana and this year no pics of all of us together as a sad..huhu..My thought was to take a group picture inside at the stairs..agak macam best gaklah.

After buke puase we went to the Curve and continue lepaking at Teh Tarek Place but not all are there. Fahmi, Nany and the baby balek. Maria pun balek. Tinggal the rest of us. We lepak from 930 till 12am. Abg Boy and Shah balek awal sikit.

Dah lepak kat Curve continue plak kat Bestari di Hartamas. Haha..dieorg nih macam tak cukup makan plak. Haha...Disebabkan hujan tibe2 lebat on that day..we all terpakse balek lewat around 2am kot..or 230am..can't remember..

Overall I can say that I was really happy that day because Maria was there. Appreciate it dear. All my dearest friends are there with their partners. It was a great night. Thanks to all we have a successful night. Lets make this annually. InsyaAllah..

Senarai mereka yang hadir:-
1. Abang @ Nizad (selaku pengerusi kali ini)
2. Midy
3. Abang Boy
4. Shah
6. Nany & Baby Nia (wife & child Fahmi)
7. Alip
8. Nurul Nabila (partner Alip @ GF)
9. Kiyai
10. Didie (Fiance Kiyai)
11. Nas
12. Ana (wife Nas)
13. Azzuar
14. Zue (wife Azzuar)
15. Maria

and Yours Truely ME!!!hee..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Renungan Mata Terakhir

I don't know which category should I put for this story..Ade kena mengena wif my life and also it is a story..I just witness something very sad yesterday. Cube bayangkan..saya seorang suami..sudah lama saya menghidapi "Parkinson". I cannot think well, my hands are shaking vigorously. And all I have in this world is 3 wonderful children all grown up. Of course my truely loving wife.

The wife took care of me. Feed me. Solat jemaah bersama-sama. Setiap kali lepas solat aku toleh ke belakang dan my wife will take my hand salam and kiss it. I will then ampunkan segala dosa-dosa my wife towards me with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

I tell you this..I love my wife very much. She is the power inside me to survive this long sickness which I will face till I die. I cannot think anymore reason to let live this moment if she is not around. But that's the fact of life. The one you love will not always be by your side forever.

She was diagnose with a Servics Cancer early this year. I could tell she is fighting it. I cannot feel the pain of my right knee because she was with me that day. I always wanted to say.."Sayang, saya sayang kamu dari mula kita berjumpa sehingga akhir hayat saya nanti. Waktu kita bersama sebagai suami isteri ni..Saya mengampunkan segala dosa-dosa awak terhadap saya. Saya tahu saya bukan orang yang senang untuk awak jaga."

But I cant..Nothing I said make that too much sense since I had this desease. She understands me alright..but my vocal cords are not perfect now. Setiap kali suara keluar. Aku gagap. Aku harap dia paham apa aku nak cube katakan. Everytime she looks at me with the eyes of hers makes me fall in love again. Oh how memories how we met kept flashing back.

We met years ago at the teachers training academy. Both of us are still in our teen. I saw her in my training classroom. She wore a green and white baju kurung. The scarf on her head was green. That was the first time I fell in love with her.

Now I saw her tears fall on her cheeks. She glance away from me. She spoon fed me each time with tears. I saw that in her eyes that she is scared. Scared of what?What is she so scared for? I scream for her. Don't worry I am here to Love and Cherish you forever. But nothing..nothing came out.

She is getting paler and thinner everyday..ohh how much I love her. I don't care how you look like, how you lose or gain...All I cared for in the world is just you Sayang. I was turning into a living corpse too. I was thin, really thin. I don't have the energy to lift things. Even walk for a long time. My greatest distance to walk this days only 5 meters from where I sit.

Everyday this wonderful wife of mine gave me bath. She stripped me then cover me with a towel. Hold my hand and kissed me on the cheeks everytime she took me untuk mandi. She shampood my hair (which by now is getting greyer than ever, thinner and going bald). She soaped me and make sure I am clean and sparkled. How I love her everyday. She is my soul. After the bath I smiled at her..she return back a long lovable smile.

Today I was in the hospital, I never thought this day would come before me. There she was, my Sayang lying on her hospital bed with oxygen gas on her face. Her eyes was wide open. She can't even say a word now. I hold her hands and she squeezed it tight. Tears were falling of her cheeks and mine. Sayang...I forgive you for all your sins May Allah forgive you too. You are a wonderful wife, a gentle caring mother, a nice friend, a good person.

Al-Fatihah, I recite in my heart because no words could came out. My son was calling the nurses. The dauhgters are crying, I wished on that day I could talk to them and say "Your mak is in a better place now. She is resting. Semoga Allah redha dengan your Mak." Afterwards they took the body away. Saya menunggu di luar bilik persediaan mayat. "Pakcik silakan masuk." kata pengurus jenazah itu.

Satu jasad yang terbujur di atas pembaringan, diselimutkan dengan kain putih. Alhamdulillah indah sungguh wajah isteriku. Berseri wajahnya, senyum kelihatan dibibirnya. Semoga Sayang sekarang bersama roh-roh orang-orang yang beriman.

Jam sekarang pukul 4pm. Ramai saudara-mara dan sahabat handai sudah datang menziarah. Bacaan Yasin bergema diseluruh kawasan rumah. Para jiran menghampiri, sabar ye, ini semua dugaan, takziah kami sekeluarga ucapkan. Semoga Allah memberi rahmat kepada tetamu yang hadir.

"Jenazah akan dibawa ke masjid untuk solat jenazah dan seterusnya ke tanah perkuburan dan sesiapa yang ingin melihat wajah Allahyarham untuk kali terakhir silakan. Dimulakan dengan anak-anak."said my son.

I was sitting by the door close to the body. I looked at son came to me. "Abah, nak nengok mak tak? Let me help you." my son said. "Abah tak larat (sambil air mata berlinang deras di pipi). Biar abah duduk." Semua hadirin hadir mengucapkan selamat tinggal. Air mata mereka bercurahan. Tak kurang pula mendengar suara sedu sedan dari arah mereka yang hadir.

"I stood up with every strength I had. I walk towards my Sayang. My eyes are filled with tears. After 2 steps, I fell. My son helped me to stand again. I was devastated. I was too in love with her untill I felt today I will follow her to the next life. I reached her."

"I saw her face. She looks like the first day I met her. Only her eyes are closed. I saw her smile, her calm face and smile is like the first time we went out together. Then I kissed her on the right cheek, she reminds me the first kissed I gave after our akad. I kissed her on the left cheek. It reminds me of the first kissed during our first big fight. I calm her with the kiss. Then I kissed her on the forehead."

I remember, everyday I woke up I kissed her on the forehead. When I left for work, again I kissed her on the forehead. I return from worked, she used to be waiting for me at the door holding a tray of warm tea. I kissed her on the forehead. After each and every jemaah prayers I kissed her on the forehead and said "Saya maafkan dosa-dosa awak sebagai seorang isteri terhadap suami.". My tears almost hit her face. What a peaceful looking wife of mine. Dead. My Sayang is leaving me forever. Oh the love of my life. You deserve to be a wonderful person. and how I wished I was the one on that death bed and not you my Sayang.

I love you forever and always...Bye Sayang...We shall meet again in Paradise...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Pulang dari interview tadi bergegas ke Damansara Utama. Pemergian Allahyarhamah Jamiah Abd Majid @ Tok Cik. Adik pada atuk and sekarang tinggal lagi 2 orang je. Akak atuk @ Mak Datin and adik lelaki atuk @ Tok Mail kat Pontian yang masih hidup. Sedih gak tadi tp skang ni ngantuk giler. I havent fully slept properly for almost 2 days now. Nanti esok citer.

Semoga roh Allayarhamah ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang beriman. Al-Fatihah