Friday, October 7, 2011

Hey! You Suck!

1. One of the things I learned from the ex-CEO of Harley Davidson is that You Suck!Yes. Every game, every scenario or any individual or group activities he will come to you and say You Suck!Even the boss gets a good You Suck!There is one activity where you need to pass a bottle to the all the participant in the hall (approx. 180 employees) in under 2 minutes. So the first round we managed to finish it in 2 minutes and 13 seconds. He said, "You Suck!". Second round, he said we must do it in under 1 minute 30 seconds. We did it less than that after some changes on the way we pass the bottle. Still he said, "You Suck!". Now the 3rd round he wanted it to be under 60 seconds. Yes we did it in 30 seconds. Yes, as you guess it. He said, "You Suck!". Another challenge he said. Do it in under 20 seconds. We managed to finish it in 12 seconds (Yes I know, how it is possible to pass a bottle within 180 people in just 12 seconds but we did it). Again, You Suck!Now he wanted us to finish it  in 7 seconds. How many attempts we successfully carried it out we managed to get it on the time but still You Suck!The lesson learned is that don't just think that one successful try is enough for a lifetime. If you improved yourself every single day you might be amazed that each day you have successfully upgraded yourself to become better. Motivate yourself everyday by saying You Suck! I can do better than this, I can even do better than yesterday and the day before.

2. You Suck! You really suck!This is why I don't like to be on FB all the time. When there is new status updated every 1 hour from the same person saying oh what am I having today? Oh I had this for lunch. So isit boxers or brief (OK guys always choose boxers over brief). You Suck! Why do I want to know what you are doing every single hour. If you want to tell the story of your life do it inside a blog and share it. And please don't tag people in a check in. I don't want people to keep commenting on the status for 7 days and I am receiving the notification. And people that keep on commenting, You Suck too!I don't see any significant for you to comment on the status checking in to a mall for 7 days and trying to be cute. You Suck!

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