Monday, July 5, 2010

The A-Team

OK!As what all the people around me said, it was really a G-R-E-A-T movie. Went to watched it last night. It has all the elements of a good movie. Comedy, Romance, CGI, Unrealistic plot and most of all it has ACTION. I say WOW!!!WOW!WOW!

Liam Neeson as hannibal was superb, his acting was a relax and cool superior and as the mastermind for the A-Team. I mean where can you get an awesome movie like this nowadays huh???It is so cool the storyline was cool, the cast was almost perfect. Excellent and Brilliant I tell you.

If you haven't watched, please go NOW and see the movie. I sincerely said this is a good movie for you, for your family.

with the powers invested in ME..I rate this movie with 5 POPCORN..Bravo!Bravo!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lagenda Budak Setan

Long Overdue Movie review for Lagenda Budak Setan...Sorry people because I was on holiday in June so no entries for last month.

Well this is the first Malay movie that I watch in the cinema for two times. Why? It's  a good movie a bit slow but good. I can't remember if I ever read the book (i think I did) but it was really good.

What is sooooo GOOD about this film? Well, the actors and actresses that played their part inside the movie. They really got into their character. Their face expression really moved the film to another level of acting in Malaysia. Clap!Clap! to the line ups for this movie.

The soundtrack was good, one of the good songs but they played it too much inside the movie. Sometimes it annoys me but no harm done because it is still a good one. One other thing that I like to add is the cinematography of this film. The shots taken, the way the camera played around the scenes, it is really moving. It captures the peoples feeling. All great shots. Kudos to the Director, Casts and all the people involved in making this movie Great!

all I want to say it deserved a 5 but still need some more improvement..4 POPCORN..Hooray to Malay Film Industry..You tried your best..Do better in the FUTURE

Thursday, July 1, 2010

7 Perkara untuk Pengurusan Akhirat

Akhirat merupakan sebahagian dari hidup kita dan kita hendaklah sentiasa bersedia untuk berpindah ke sana.
Amat beruntung jika seorang yang membuat persediaan untuk hari akhiratnya dan amat rugi jika seseorang itu terlalu sibuk dengan urusan dunia hingga dia lupa membuat persediaan untuk ke sana.

Di dalam al-Quran Allah menyatakan bahawa:-
(1) Bermegah-megahan telah melalaikan kamu (2) sampai kamu masuk ke dalam kubur (surah al-Kauthar ayat 1-2)

Sebelum kita bertemu Allah, ada tujuh perkara yang perlu kita buat sebagai pengurusan akhirat kita.
1. kita kena pastikan rukun iman kita telah dijaga dengan baik
2. kita kena pastikan rukun Islam kita telah sempurna
3. telah berusaha mendapatkan solat yang khusyuk
4. telah meninggalkan perkara haram
5. telah menulis segala hutang
6. telah memperbanyakkan taubat
7. telah membuat amalan yang kekal pahalanya.

Amalan yang kekal pahalanya menurut hadis ialah sedekah jariah, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan doa dari anak yang soleh.

Semoga, kita sentiasa bersedia membuat pengurusan akhirat dan semoga, perpindahan kita ke alam seterusnya di dalam keadaan kita telah membawa bekalan yang sebaik-baiknya. Dan ketahuilah, sebaik-baik bekalan adalah ketaqwaan.

Rumusan dari blog Ustaz Amin untuk dikongsi bersama