Monday, February 7, 2011



It is the first time in my life to used the Crutches and I hope it would be the last. Why? It hurts a lot using that thing. Especially my armpits (I don't know if by using it for 2 weeks could build my muscle). Why again you have to use the crutches?
The story goes...on February 3rd 2011, at 2.15 a.m I met with a FREAK ACCIDENT!!! What's a FREAK ACCIDENT? It is an accident that cannot possibly happened when you think about it. So what really happen?

That early Thursday morning, around 1 a.m my office mate and I went out for lunch (Yes. I called it lunch at 1 a.m because it's my lunch break..I worked shift..US hours 9 p.m to 6 a.m). So we talked and chat until about 2.10 a.m when we decided to go back to the office. Yes the office is near to where we had our lunches.

Reached the office parking lot and my office mate friend thought he left his mobile at the parking lot. So the office mate stop the car in the position so that we can searched for the mobile easily. So the car stopped, the co-pilot went out, my office to my right sitting at the back went out and I am sitting at the back on the left side with my left feet out. Then suddenly the driver, shout he found the mobile inside the car and pull into D on the gear.

The car moved and left back tayar slide perfectly onto my back heel. Yes onto my left foot heel. Strange right?Totally!!! I shouted to the driver I'm not out yet. He immediately stopped the car (the tayar already passed on my foot and I felt a tingling sensation shot up to my brain). I went down from the car and started walking towards the office building. After about 5 to 7 steps I felt an excruciating pain at my left foot and can barely walked.

Then I went up to the office slightly hopping, the office mate that accidentally ran my foot over advice to take me straight to the hospital. But I said it's OK! I thought it would be fined. Reached level 9, I was wrong. My supervisor was laughing and thought I was making a joke. They were wrong. I pull out my left shoe and my foot got swollen and red. My nails started turning to blue (it turned almost blue black once I reached the hospital).

Straight away she ask one of my colleague to find a wheel chair downstairs but instead we used the office chair to send me downstairs. My office mate friends that lost the mobile already waiting downstairs to take me to the hospital. Nearest is at Tropicana Medical Center in Kota Damansara. Reached the hospital, the nurse brought me a wheel chair and pushed me inside the Emergency room. (Glad that this hospital accepted the GE medical card).

So the nurse took my BP, at first it shot up to 168/94. Then she asked me to calmed down and it goes normal. The doctor came in and sends me to the x-ray. She doubted that I have a broken bone or something and turns out she was right. So she concluded that maybe I have a torn tissue or muscle. Advice me that if it is hurt still, come back on Monday to check with the specialist (and as of today..I don't want to go). After all that, the nurse gave me a pain killer, ointment and the crutches.

I think that's enough info for today...Hope my heel will heal real rhymes...Hahaha...
So take care of your feet people..better yet..take care of yourselves..Be safe!!!!!

Restoran Sekinchan Ikan Bakar

This entry supposed to be written a while back that is in 2010. Since a lot is going on at the office and tied up with my work so I am going to write it now.

Restoran Sekichan Ikan Bakar was establish in a small town called Sekinchan located in Selangor. Now they have a few outlets in major cities like Kuala Lumpur (Centrum Setiawangsa, Cheras, Prima Sri Gombak), Petaling Jaya (Kota Damansara), Puchong and Subang (Taipan). I think one day it can become a franchise as long they owner has a niche for becoming a food tycoon.

So what are they serving there?
A whole lot of varieties of fresh fish and seafood like Ikan Bawal, Ikan Sebelah, Ikan Jenahak, Ikan Keli, Ikan Kembung, Ikan Siakap, Ikan Caru, Ikan Talapia Merah, Prawns, Squids, Lala, Kerang, Crabs etc. They also served Nasi Lemak, Paru Goreng, Ayam Goreng Berempah, Ulams etc.

First you need to do is find a place to sit (hahaha..), then choose your seafood, they charged you by kilos and also depending on the fish you take. That is the seafood tray, they have rice and other non seafood food in a corner where you can pick and choose.

It is also known they have a great paste (sambal) for the seafood but to my taste buds, it is just OK! The foods are nice but not great. The place is cozy and spacious (I've only been to 1 outlet in Kota Damansara). The price was quite expensive but what the heck? It is not easy to find seafoods in KL. At least you don't need to go out of town let say to Banting or Umbai for seafood. Feast your eyes on the pictures just for your info...Enjoy your foods there.

 Ikan Caru Bakar
 Sotong Bakar
Ikan Pari Bakar

Sunday, February 6, 2011

PAPAN NOTIS! [Wedding Shoutout February 2011]

Date: February 5th, 2011
First venue of the day is in Gombak for my ex-housemate, coursemate from Diploma and Degree Hairiah (Kay) & Faizal (Sepot). The wedding took place at Kay's home. The theme was Yellow and the bride & groom look gorgeous. We arrived a wee bit late around 2.30 p.m. The bersanding and makan beradap already finished. I came with Mudi and Fizah with their lovely son Anome. I returned back with Ben & Zaza. Is, Che Pah, Yahud and Panjang were there too (I think this sounds a little standard 5 essay..hahaha). Congratulations are in order for the newly wed. 
 Our photo session with the Bride & Groom...

Second venue after the 1st wedding is in Selayang. So Ben sends me home, upon arrival my office mate picked me up to Azriq & Arza's wedding in Selayang. The couples solemnization was on February 4th, 2011. Yes, the little boy bragged so much about his 1 time hand shake with the tok kadi. Also need to endure the suffering of mocking from the groom to me. Damn! that little guy. But not matter, it was a fun roadtrip. Went there with Azri & Jiha as Timo already went home because we arrived very late. Around 5 to be exact. So no food just sky juice and we talked and chat with the groom. Again, I would like to Congratulate to Azriq & Arza. Sorry for the lateness.
We don't have any pictures with the bride & groom...I think this is their Solemnization picture...What a cute couple ehh???

I wished the both couples to have a long happy and wonderful life till death do them part...Congratulations again to them...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Let me start on what is this Bootcamp is all about by giving you this link for you to check it out yourself. Due to my hectic schedule nowadays, I can help you with the link. ;-)

So Day 1, how isit like?
I am not going to lie to you, it was HELL. 1 hour of HELL. You felt like you are jumping around for around 5 minutes but in reality it was just 2 minutes passed. Disaster, I was almost fainted the first 2 minutes and due to my Asthma (I didn't brought my inhaler along, it was a mistake because I thought I can take it).

Then they let me rest by the rugby pole, I don't even bother to slap the Aedes mosquito from sucking my blood because I was so DAMN tired, out of breath, fatigue, all over the body aching. That was cause by warming up session. Believe it, warming up session are the worst. First jumping jacks, then jumping jacks again, after that pumping last is squating. It was design to have 3 levels of speed. 1st speed is beginner, 10 counts. Then move on to intermediate, 8 counts. Last is advance, 6 counts.

Before the warmed up, you have to jog for a while but that just for short distance like 200 meters. After that the warmed up session. Next I didn't joined in because in my mind I, my thoughts were towards the Death Angel and how I want to quit this. So I looked up to the team (consist of about 20 other people), they were dragging people on the ground, wheel barrow and other extreme what not exercises. After about 30 minutes rest, I joined again. This time what we have to do is jog 6 steps, get down on your knees, rolled on the ground, get up again and do the same thing for 6 minutes. I managed to get 2 minutes. Hoyeah!!!Than busted again. Sat at the rugby post again until the end of 1 hour, then it was a loosen up session.

So do you think you are going back there?
HELL YEAH!!!I got a group and team for the support because there is Lina Teoh (former 2nd runner up Ms World) to support me, white people, chinese people that gave me her inhaler for free, the instructor that asked me not to quit. I'm going back there and proof that I can survived this 1st month.

Can't wait to see the result...See you guys in March...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sesi TT ~ Kejutan Di 2011

Yes. Yes. Ada kejutan menanti family dan sahabat handai. Kejutan macam mana tu??? Dah nama pun kejutan, silalah tunggu ekk...

Hint. Hint. Bagilah kami hint? Kenapa perlu hint? Ia adalah kejutan, jadi sila tunggu dengan penuh kesabaran. Okay..Okay 1 word to describe it all...Since you ask...UiTM...Ceit!!!Itu bukan 4 words ke???Ehh banyak songeh pulak nak mintak lebih2..OKlah tu..

Saya minta semua bertenang...nanti saya akan umumkan diwaktu terdekat. Mungkin sekitar pertengahan bulan Februari ini.

Soalan cepu emas...Adakah anda akan mendapat baby? Ceit! Baby apanya kahwin pun belum. Ohh! Nak berkahwinlah ni ekk??? Ceit! Duit pun tak cukup nak kahwin sekarang. So ceritalah lagi. Ceciter. Ceciter. Ceciter. Nantilah belum ada masa nak cerita. Panjang cerita. Ponat den nak type, kejo ngah berlambak ni hah...

Sabar ya wahai kawan-kawan dan family. Ada waktu saya cerita, buat masa kini saya bagi intro dulu ini menaikkan adrenaline anda semua. Boleh? Sekian.

PS: Hanya budak-budak ofis saya sahaja yang tau!!!Jeng.Jeng.Jeng.