What's with the parties nowadays?
Are you too GREAT to embrace Islam as your foundation in governing? Why Islam is not good enough for you? Aren't we a nation that is free from the ruling of another nation?
You said, I said, We said, They said..This is where the root of all problems arises..Agree? Why not you people with your Diploma's, Degree's, Bachelor's, Master's and PhD's (referring to politicians) that is destroying the country I live in. Please start your conversation with "Islam said". MasyaALLAH..Beautiful.
Have you ever heard during the prophet Muhammad S.A.W reign and govern Madinah used Parti Muhajirin or Parti Ansar to win any election? No. Stop using parties as a tool to make idiotic statements. Learn from these era as it is the perfect model. Yes it is HARD. Have you tried it? NO! A big N-O. How during these times they manage to govern a GREAT Civilization? They back then have a mutual understanding (in Malaysia known as Social Contract). Does that mean we cannot follow the way they do it back then?
What's up with the name 'Allah' used by Christians? Aren't you Christians known to have your Lord's Name as Jehova? or is this as a name to be translated into Malay? Come on, after so many years, decades you are happy with the way you were and now you provoking the Muslims? Where is the sense in that? Think back. We the Malaysians have a mutual understanding to respect every race and religion. Islam never ask for other religion to be demolish but respect one and another.
Back to parties, why this so called professional politician kept on babbling, mumbling on something that doesn't make sense? Stop "Politiking" and do as you are told for the people. Improved our public transport, clean up the street from drugs and street racing. Stop this concert nonsense. You topple a party, the next one is it going to be GOOD? No. Hell NO! Why? Because politician only knows how to talk, either from their mouth or asses. Ask them to work they probably say something like:
"How much will I get?"
"What is in it for me?"
"Do you have a second hand train?"
I am not naming parties, I am expressing as for all parties in Malaysia. You POLITICIANS only know how to talk. Give us a chance to prove that we can govern better than the previous government. That's the statement. Oh sure, we will ensure that everyone (in my family) will get benefit. You get what I am trying to say here?
Enough of me bragging here today..It is just I am so SICK at the way these parties acted. Come on guys, get back to basic..ISLAM.