Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Mother's Wish

One day a mother came to her son when he was 7 years old and asked him.

Mother: "Adam, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Son: "I want to be a policeman. I want to catch bad guys and put them in jail so that our family can be safe."

Five years later, when Adam was 12 years old the mother asked him.

Mother: "Adam, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Son: "I want to be "Pak Lah".

*the mother was confused with her son's answer...

Mother: "I thought when you are younger you wanted to be a policeman?"
Son:"That was before I can learn to read but now I know that policeman are as the same as the bad guys.

*how newspapers and the internet can be an effective tool to teach kids nowadays

Mother:How is that you say that the policemen are as the same as the bad guys?
Son: Well, recently I just read in the newspapers that 2 policemen have been guilty for murdering an innocent person. While in the blogs there is stories, theories, conspiracies that involved policemen of committing corruption, theft and so on. The police suppose to be the ones that will uphold the law not breaking.

*what can I say is WOW!!!kids now days can say something that makes sense...despite that they being kids with their own imagination but we can't deny the brilliance of their petit minds of being a thinker. the mother still in awe on to why is her son wanted to become Pak Lah when the guy is a person not an ambition.

Mother: Adam, why do you want to become Pak Lah? He is a person does he not? Not an ambition or an occupation?
Adam:Well, I wanted to be Pak Lah because I can live in a big house, have a lot of money, command people around me to follow my orders, give my work to other people and what will I do?
Mother:What is it Adam?
Son: Sleep. And I am still the Prime Minister.

*ahaa...get it???no???well, kids nowadays are over exposed to something that is still far beyond their reach. how misguided they are to the fantasy land of world without is not that simple i.e Adam deliberately thought that becoming a Prime Minister is that easy all they wanted to know is how to have something without doing anything...impossible...that is how misguided the information nowadays are...

*adaptasi dari angan penulis blog untuk menjadi senang tanpe melalui kesusahan...renung-renungkan...hehe...'-p

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