Thursday, March 4, 2010

Action Needed

Dear Readers,

Today has been very motivational for me to endure this uncertain life of ours..How is that so? OK! I have decided not to go to work again today because of my irateness towards that place. Urghhh! Each day it's coming on my nerve. How do I handle it?

Well..there is ones and most importantly Allah S.W.T..Do I going to make the right decision? is about making decision..You decide..and ask from God to show you the way..Insyallah you are going to be fine..but remember whatever you decide..there is going to be a challenge..You just need to endure the worst half of it..Once the worst has past..Wait for the rainbow to appear on the other side.

My plan has commence on the 1st of March 2010..It will go phase by phase..God willing I know I can do this..Let me introduce the next in line job I have pursuit.. I am officially going to say this out loud here..I am going to be your Savings+Investment+Protection Plan Agent (more significantly recognize as an Insurance Agent) Why this? It surely motivates me to interact with people, work hard and learn to survive without the privileged of our comfort zone.

In this business..If you don't work hard..You don't earned cash..When you don't earned cash..It resulted in depression..So this business will motivates me to move and be more active. I have said it..All I need from my friends and families are your support. If you are not interested it's OK..You have someone to introduce me too..Please..I need your help..

Well thats that..Other than that..It's not time yet..So just wait and see how does this brilliant plan of mine goes into action and effect your life and mine..Wish me good luck and I hope all the best from all of you..

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