Thursday, March 25, 2010

One Year Has Passed

On the 26th of March 2009, Thursday morning at 9am, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussin departed from us to meet with his maker. Allah Al-Mighty.

One year ago, this father of mine left me without saying goodbye, I even didn't had the chanced to carry his body to the grave or even looked at his face for the last time as I was not around with him during his final moments. I didn't even get to say I am sorry.

I hope he is in a better place now. Praying for his safety and may Allah bless him. I can't say much now as of now while I am typing these words, tear drops kept falling. How I missed him and love him so much.

"Ya Allah, kau peliharalah, jagalah, ampunkahlah segala dosa Ayahanda ku ini seperti mana dia telah memelihara, menjaga dan memaafkan aku sejak dari kecil lagi"


Nazhatulshima N said...

Insya Allah.Antara amalan yang tidak putus ialah doa dari anak yang soleh! Semoga arwah juga ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang soleh.

mrs Fahmi said...

dah 1 yr? how time flies....

Half-Blood Maleh said...

abg shima:amin.insyallah tak putus doa anakanda dia ini..;-)

nany:yup..rase sekejap je kan??pejam celik..dah 1 year passed..hmmm..senantiasa mendoakan yg terbaek..insyallah