Thanks to Pn. Nany to lend me this fascinating book about the Freemasons (Dan Brown has the niche to wrote this kind of stuff).
The title of this book as you can read is call "The Lost Symbol" and the author is Dan Brown (famously known for the other 2 books Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons both books have been adapted into a Movie.)
So the story goes...
Robert Langdon(he has always been the main character for Dan Brown) is the best Symbologist that ever walked in Dan Brown's fictional world were brought to Washington D.C to give a lecture for one event. One thing let to another the adventure begins and so on and so forth...
Like previous books that Dan Brown has published, for instance Angels & Demons it revolved around Rome, Christianity, Illuminati as the main conspirator, with puzzles and maps and clues which demonstrate the powerful mind and imagination by Dan Brown on secret societies. Although it is fictional (from my side) but he was able to take all kind of things and made it quite real. It's awesome.
Another book the Da Vinci Code, which concentrate more on the society called the Priory of Sion (or Knights Templar) took place in Paris and UK, he was able to combined these sorts of things from the secret societies, historical places, time & date, events, peoples (famous ones indeed), arts, pictures, symbols, religions, myths, corporations, companies, association and more to become a one exciting and adventures story.
The plot, the storyline, the characters were absolutely fantastic. He has the gift of the awesomeness to write these kind of stories. For the Lost Symbols, it revolves around the secret society called the Freemasons and all these adventures took place in Washington D.C. He can recreate the history within these walls in D.C, from the Capitol Hill, to the White House,Jefferson Memorial(where the Freemasons ritual took place), Lincon Memorial, Washington Monument, I mean all of it have the connection with Freemasons.
Although in the book he stressed out more on Christianity to the extend of Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the same which I disagree but he manage to make sense to things around us. He also stressed out that the most powerful wisdom in the world was the word GOD!Allah Al-Mighty(he did not say this but I do).
So I recommend that you guys/gals read this book. This is a GOOD one. Be patient when reading, if you feel that you are lost while reading, Google it. It will make sense. Just read it for leisure and do not believe 100% that every word is true. Read it for the sake of the information, historical facts, legends, etc..its kind of fun knowing all these things.