Friday, October 9, 2009

Still No Luck!!!

This entry is about the job hunting...

I still have no luck in getting for a new job...I should have just go to London last week and stay there...even I have to wash plates, clean toilets, pick apples...I am not looking forward to stay here in is too much now...I can't bare the knives that kept poking under my feet...I need to go far away...Too much bad memories..Need to go out and clear this mind of mine...

After 4 unsuccessful interviews...countless headhunters...Big fortune 500 companies I've tried...still no luck...patients is running low...but still I can hope to God that there will be a good job coming soon..that is why God give me the job a bit late...Cause it's going to be a GREAT one...I hope, I pray..

*Sesi luahan hati...

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