Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Birthday 2010

OK! Semalam my birthday..My 27th birthday..Everyone has wishes on their birthday..So do I..So what do you think I wish for?

Alright..There is 2 categories for this. One is what I wished for, and the other one is what I prayed for.

What I wished for my birthday:
  1. Blackberry Storm II
  2. New Watch
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Shoes
  5. Seafood (especially prawns)
What I prayed for when I reached 27:

  1. New Job (should I say where?)
  2. A wife (to care and to hold)
  3. Honeymoon in Europe (hope you are on board with this my dear)
  4. Triton
  5. Pay half of debts (to society terutama sekali bank and to Allah S.W.T)
Insyallah I will try to have all of these in my 27 years old tenure.

Pray for me everyone.

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