Dan jatuhnya hanya beberapa hari
lalu terbelenggu 400 tahun
suatu tempoh yang amat payah dan panjang
pengabdian dan kehilangan yakin diri
43 tahun kita berdiri menebus maruah
merdeka mentafsir diri sendiri dan bangga pada apa yang ada
masih mahukan harga itu diperjudikan?
Kita tidak akan mempertaruhkan nasib itu
di tangan kita masih panas
keringat, tulang belulang dan tenaga fikir
menghayun langkah membina wawasan
waspada harimau di matahari terbenam
tidak akan hilang belangnya
mengisytiharkan dirinya yam tuan tunggal sejagat
yang lemah longlai
yang gagah gergasi
akan meruntuhkan segala sempadan rimba
atas nama membina perkampungan dunia
mahukah kita biarkan
mereka menginjak-injak dan menghancurkan taman kecil permai ini?
Rimba tanpa sempadan
atas nama “kebaikan” menyelinap menusuk matafikir
hidupan dunia ketiga terpaku takjub dengan slogan
‘kasih alam
ketelusan hukum
keadilan timbangan
kesatuan warga dunia
kebebasan mutlak’
lalu beraraklah anak-anak bumi ini meraikan kesatuan alam
dengan sorak sorai
‘runtuhkan sempadan!
runtuhkan sempadan!
runtuhkan korupsi
runtuhkan kolisi’
dan di belakang mereka tidak melihat
bayang-bayang belenggu halimunan
yang lebih ganas daripada segala yang ganas
kita pun akan kehilangan harga dan erti diri
mengapa diundang mereka
dan mereka tiba-tiba berada di depan pintu rumah kita?
Kita telah bangun dengan segala kepayahan
membuka belantara dan mempertahankan warisan
kita tafsir merdeka mengikut acuan sendiri
merdeka kita dengan fikiran
dan kita pertahankannya dengan fikiran
dunia sudah melihat kita
dunia sudah menghormati kita
Timur dan Selatan mengharapkan kita
mereka datang berbondong-bondong mencari bumi ini
perlindungan dan erti hidup
mengapa kita sendiri masih belum mahu melihat
dengan tangan masih terbelenggu ke belakang
dan hanya sesekali menjulangnya
mengikut rentak genderang dunia matahari terbenam?
Bijak pandai pernah berpesan
‘mereka yang tidak belajar dari sejarah mereka didera
dengan mengulangi kesalahan-kesalahan mereka berkali-kali’
sejarah mengajar kita betapa kukuh sesuatu bangsa
akan tetap kecundang bila ditikam dari belakang
mengapa kita mula halalkan sejarah hitam berulang?
Nasib kita genggam
dengan tangan sendiri dan segala kudrat kurniaan
kita jalin kekuatan sulaman kasih bangsa
kita didihkan dia dengan tradisi semangat juang
maruah bangsa kita julang ke mercu alam
kita bangunkan suatu tamadun cinta damai
di sini kita ajar anak-anak kita erti sayang
di sini kita tawarkan dunia menaja kemanusiaan
dan bukan alat peperangan
dunia belajar erti merdeka sejati
mempelajari dan menerima segala perbezaan
merdeka menafsir hidup tanpa paksaan kuasa
Di sini kita yakin segalanya boleh
Di sini kita yakin segalanya boleh
Itulah erti kemerdekaan
Perjuangan ini mesti diteruskan.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Thursday, June 26, 2008
WOTD v.03 [Melayu Mudah Lupa - Dr. Mahathir Mohamad]
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya dipijak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya retak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya teriak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya haprak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya hina
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya sengketa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya derita
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kerdil
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya terpencil
Melayu mudah lupa
Tiada daulat
Tiada maruah
Tiada bebas
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
Tanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarah
Wahai bangsaku
Jangan mudah lupa lagi
Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai...
Dibacakan oleh
Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad di akhir ucapan penggulungannya
pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO
di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) pada 23 Jun, 2001.
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya dipijak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya retak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya teriak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya haprak
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kelas dua
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya hina
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya sengketa
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya derita
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya kerdil
Melayu mudah lupa
Dulu bangsanya terpencil
Melayu mudah lupa
Tiada daulat
Tiada maruah
Tiada bebas
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Melayu mudah lupa
Sejarah bangsanya yang lena
Tanah lahirnya yang merekah berdarah
Wahai bangsaku
Jangan mudah lupa lagi
Kerana perjuanganmu belum selesai...
Dibacakan oleh
Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad di akhir ucapan penggulungannya
pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO
di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) pada 23 Jun, 2001.
WOTD v.02 [Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai - Dr. Mahathir Mohamad]
Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayatkan
dari melihat bangsaku dijajah
Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina
Air mata tiada ertinya
sejarah silam tiada maknanya
sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
dipersenda dan dilupakan
Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
para pejuang kemerdekaan
bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
dan darjat bangsa
selangkah beerti mara
mengharung sejuta dugaan
Biarkan bertatih
asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
bagi memastikan negara
merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
air mata sengsara
mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita
Tugas kita bukan kecil
kerana mengisi kemrdekaan
rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
keringat dan darah menuntutnya
Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
kalau bangsaku asyik mengia dan menidakkan,
mengangguk dan membenarkan,
kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
kerana makmur dan mewahnya,
bangsaku masih melata
dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri
Bukan kecil tugas kita
meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara
Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan sayap,
menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
selain menjadi ulama dan
ilmuan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
wira serantau yang tidak mengenal
erti takut dan kematian?
Di manakah silapnya hingga bangsaku
berasa begitu kecil dan rendah diri?
Apakah angkara penjajah?
Lalu bangsaku mulai
melupakan kegemilangan silam
dan sejarah gemilang membina empayar
Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
bagi memartabat dan
memuliakan bangsa
kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
akan sentiasa dihormati
Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
buat selama-lamanya
Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
kerana masa depan belum tentu
menjanjikan syurga
bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa
Perjuangan kita belum selesai
kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
dapat membina mercu tanda
bangsanya yang berjaya
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Mei 1996
dari melihat bangsaku dijajah
Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina
Air mata tiada ertinya
sejarah silam tiada maknanya
sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
dipersenda dan dilupakan
Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
para pejuang kemerdekaan
bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
dan darjat bangsa
selangkah beerti mara
mengharung sejuta dugaan
Biarkan bertatih
asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
bagi memastikan negara
merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
air mata sengsara
mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita
Tugas kita bukan kecil
kerana mengisi kemrdekaan
rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
keringat dan darah menuntutnya
Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
kalau bangsaku asyik mengia dan menidakkan,
mengangguk dan membenarkan,
kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
kerana makmur dan mewahnya,
bangsaku masih melata
dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri
Bukan kecil tugas kita
meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara
Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan sayap,
menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
selain menjadi ulama dan
ilmuan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
wira serantau yang tidak mengenal
erti takut dan kematian?
Di manakah silapnya hingga bangsaku
berasa begitu kecil dan rendah diri?
Apakah angkara penjajah?
Lalu bangsaku mulai
melupakan kegemilangan silam
dan sejarah gemilang membina empayar
Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
bagi memartabat dan
memuliakan bangsa
kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
akan sentiasa dihormati
Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
buat selama-lamanya
Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
kerana masa depan belum tentu
menjanjikan syurga
bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa
Perjuangan kita belum selesai
kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
dapat membina mercu tanda
bangsanya yang berjaya
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Mei 1996
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
WOTD v.01 [Mother]
"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes place pf prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
-Washington Irving
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe it all to my mother."
-Washington Irving
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe it all to my mother."
Monday, June 23, 2008
June 23rd, 2008 (Back in Malaysia)
Before I tell the stories when I was in Manila, I would like to tell about the news I am getting today..June 23rd, 2008..
OMG!!I thought being back in Malaysia was tortures enough but it did not top the possibilities of having bad news when I reached the KL ofis..As usual when Im in Malaysia, I got to wakeup early, as early as 6am just to get ready for work.
At 7am today I leave the house with Iman and Diyanah, Pakcik Mizan drove us first to the school to send Iman and Diyanah to Seri Hartamas. Then he would send me to KL Sentral..reached Kl Sentral at 7.30am..gone down to smoke first,wait 5minutes till the ciggaret is finished, I walked to the LRT station, just waited for 5mins when an empty train arrived. Board the train straight to KLCC. My office is at KLCC, Tower 2, level 65..
It took around 10minutes or less..I dont count the times, I felt very akward today, I dont know why, is just different since the from the last 3 months..Yeah!!the last 3 months has been very convinient...I had free breakfast before I went to work..1 bowl of cereals(mix of Cocoa Crunch and Cornflakes with added Brown Sugar and milk) 1 sunny side up eggs and orange juice..and at around 8.15am..Romer will be waiting for me..
But today, everything is back to normal, no more simple life..Im back to reality..just have to face the facts that fairy tales doesn't last that long...During the LRT ride from KL Sentral to KLCC, I saw Sheela well she is one of my HR Rep just like Puteri and Kavitha..but I didnt't talked to her..I still in denial that Im already back in Malaysia...what to do??I had so much fun there in Manila...HAHAHA..;-p
Reached office around 8am, went straight up, gone to looked for Kavitha, but she is not around today, Sheela said she tooked leave today or something..I can't remember, but everything today I need to asked Puteri...and its 8.10am..Sheela asked me to reserved for a workstation, called Maria to ask her if she has arrived, well it took her 5minutes to get up..that was fast..HAHA..nothing to talked about I guess...
Then I went to level 66, to try and reserved a workstation, got upstairs, the receptionist said there is no available work station today, instead I could use the training room..the traning room where I have been seated during my 1 month and a week training period...got to the room..open my laptop, after 5 minutes or so..Kevin arrived, he was also with the Project Olympic in Manila..about 20minutes after that, Veric arrived..
The time flew fast, I didn't do anything the whole day...I mean the whole morning...read emails, updated my Facebook and Friendster...then as I looked at the watch..its 12pm already...YM Cical, to meet downstairs...Then I went out to lunch with Cical and his colleugue at KLCC Foodcourt...its been a while since I ate lunch during office hours or lunch time to be exact..
Ate lunch till about 1pm..then went out to smoke..at 1.30pm..I entered back to the office..during my way up..inside the elevator on the 42nd floor, Im going to kill that Puteri!!!(kidding!!)she almost make me having a heart attack...my head was down when Im inside the elevator, she went HAH!! to my face..and I was like..DAMN..and almost swing my hands...lucky her..HAHAHA..;-p
Then she told me she got some stories for me..well I don't know what is it until I got back to my laptop...then she told me something that will make my day from bad to worst...Harry Rameli, my supervisor in Manila did NOT give me a GOOD performance review...and I was going like..what the HELL..but I didnt tell Puteri that..SHITlaa..I've been busting my ASS off overthere..few times got home late..and my performance is not good...but what can I do..its been reviewed by someone else..
I admit, most of the times I don't have work at all...yeahh..I mean most of the time..but everytime..I got work..I shall try my best to finished it on time..a few times I work late..and as far as I can remember...on my birthday I worked till 8pm...and the next morning I came to the office at 7am and stayed until 9pm..that wasn't enough I guess..and I didn't even sleep during work..most of the time Veric did..so is just not fair that I got a bad review...
yes..my work isn't neat enough...it has few flaws here and there..but who wouldn't right??Im still in training..don't expect me to know about everything..because I don't have that a lot of experienced..today is like the worst day of my life..Thanks a lot!!!
OMG!!I thought being back in Malaysia was tortures enough but it did not top the possibilities of having bad news when I reached the KL ofis..As usual when Im in Malaysia, I got to wakeup early, as early as 6am just to get ready for work.
At 7am today I leave the house with Iman and Diyanah, Pakcik Mizan drove us first to the school to send Iman and Diyanah to Seri Hartamas. Then he would send me to KL Sentral..reached Kl Sentral at 7.30am..gone down to smoke first,wait 5minutes till the ciggaret is finished, I walked to the LRT station, just waited for 5mins when an empty train arrived. Board the train straight to KLCC. My office is at KLCC, Tower 2, level 65..
It took around 10minutes or less..I dont count the times, I felt very akward today, I dont know why, is just different since the from the last 3 months..Yeah!!the last 3 months has been very convinient...I had free breakfast before I went to work..1 bowl of cereals(mix of Cocoa Crunch and Cornflakes with added Brown Sugar and milk) 1 sunny side up eggs and orange juice..and at around 8.15am..Romer will be waiting for me..
But today, everything is back to normal, no more simple life..Im back to reality..just have to face the facts that fairy tales doesn't last that long...During the LRT ride from KL Sentral to KLCC, I saw Sheela well she is one of my HR Rep just like Puteri and Kavitha..but I didnt't talked to her..I still in denial that Im already back in Malaysia...what to do??I had so much fun there in Manila...HAHAHA..;-p
Reached office around 8am, went straight up, gone to looked for Kavitha, but she is not around today, Sheela said she tooked leave today or something..I can't remember, but everything today I need to asked Puteri...and its 8.10am..Sheela asked me to reserved for a workstation, called Maria to ask her if she has arrived, well it took her 5minutes to get up..that was fast..HAHA..nothing to talked about I guess...
Then I went to level 66, to try and reserved a workstation, got upstairs, the receptionist said there is no available work station today, instead I could use the training room..the traning room where I have been seated during my 1 month and a week training period...got to the room..open my laptop, after 5 minutes or so..Kevin arrived, he was also with the Project Olympic in Manila..about 20minutes after that, Veric arrived..
The time flew fast, I didn't do anything the whole day...I mean the whole morning...read emails, updated my Facebook and Friendster...then as I looked at the watch..its 12pm already...YM Cical, to meet downstairs...Then I went out to lunch with Cical and his colleugue at KLCC Foodcourt...its been a while since I ate lunch during office hours or lunch time to be exact..
Ate lunch till about 1pm..then went out to smoke..at 1.30pm..I entered back to the office..during my way up..inside the elevator on the 42nd floor, Im going to kill that Puteri!!!(kidding!!)she almost make me having a heart attack...my head was down when Im inside the elevator, she went HAH!! to my face..and I was like..DAMN..and almost swing my hands...lucky her..HAHAHA..;-p
Then she told me she got some stories for me..well I don't know what is it until I got back to my laptop...then she told me something that will make my day from bad to worst...Harry Rameli, my supervisor in Manila did NOT give me a GOOD performance review...and I was going like..what the HELL..but I didnt tell Puteri that..SHITlaa..I've been busting my ASS off overthere..few times got home late..and my performance is not good...but what can I do..its been reviewed by someone else..
I admit, most of the times I don't have work at all...yeahh..I mean most of the time..but everytime..I got work..I shall try my best to finished it on time..a few times I work late..and as far as I can remember...on my birthday I worked till 8pm...and the next morning I came to the office at 7am and stayed until 9pm..that wasn't enough I guess..and I didn't even sleep during work..most of the time Veric did..so is just not fair that I got a bad review...
yes..my work isn't neat enough...it has few flaws here and there..but who wouldn't right??Im still in training..don't expect me to know about everything..because I don't have that a lot of experienced..today is like the worst day of my life..Thanks a lot!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Taal Volcano, Tagaytay
June 7, 2008..the trip to Tagaytay..(pronounce as Ta-Gai-T
ai)..went to see the Taal Volcano which by the way is soooooo BEAUTIFUL...let me show you the island from the distances..
Another 45mins for us to get up to the hill..the horse ride really hurts my..uhmmm...emmm...okaaaaaaayyyyy..move on to the story...it was 12.30pm when I reached to the top...and OMG..I was burning in HELL..it was soooo realllyyyyy HOT!!..but, yes but...eventhough it was HOT..but the breeze is cooling me off..and the scenery up there..where you can see the volcano..and the places miles around...it was very soothingg...I was prasing to GOD on how beautiful GOD have created this place...
Yes..thats the island..beautiful isn't it??but I must warned you guys..if you are thinking of taking a trip to Taal Volcano, make sure you wear long sleeves..a cap..a hat..anything that can cover your head..cause its HOT!!!after I went back to my apartment..I got sunburn..muka and everything was red macam udang kena bakar!!!and it hurts...
Well, back to the trip, I went there with 3 other people..Veric(the colleugue from KL office), Romer(the Best driver) & Carl(Romer's son)...Taal Volcano is located on an island in a place called Tagaytay..the journey from Makati to Tagaytay using the expressway will take you 1 and half hours...you will pass Manila, Laguna and Santa Rosa (im not good in geography..but i guess this is right..HAHAHA..) you will enjoy the scenery along the way...
Well, back to the trip, I went there with 3 other people..Veric(the colleugue from KL office), Romer(the Best driver) & Carl(Romer's son)...Taal Volcano is located on an island in a place called Tagaytay..the journey from Makati to Tagaytay using the expressway will take you 1 and half hours...you will pass Manila, Laguna and Santa Rosa (im not good in geography..but i guess this is right..HAHAHA..) you will enjoy the scenery along the way...
I was ready to go at 7.30am, but Romer came late..at around 9am he arrived with his son Carl. So the trip began, at 9am we departure..reach Tagaytay around 10.30am..the road had less traffic that day...after the expressway..the road was going up and down hill..well you can see towns, villages and some interesting places along the way...everything is still very basic overhere...so dont expect the place is full of modern stuff...
Reaching Tagaytay does not mean you are there already..yeah..but you are close..after that you have to go down the hill for another half an hour drive to the sea side...Reach the sea side, we went to find a boat ride to Taal Volcano, as I said before it is located on an island at a huge lake...the boat ride cost around 2000peso = RM140..it is better if you come in groups...it saves a lot..and for 1 horse you need to pay another 450peso..thats if you like to take a horse up the hill to the volcano site..but if you prefer to hike..be my guest!!its a long way up..HAHAHA!!!..the boat ride will take you another 30mins to reach the island..
Once I have reached the island, it was very traditional..and I can't see any single car or modern transportation..what they have a lot are horse DUNG!!!HAHAHA...yeah..its like the whole island smells like HORSE shyte...EWWWW..but IM here to experince everythin..so..the horse that I ride was not that big...but its ok i guess..if the horse could take me up the hills which is by the way is 4km from the beach...GOOD LUCK horse..or better..GOOD LUCK ME!! :-)
Well if you enjoy nature so much..I will tell you that you will surely enjoy going here...
We spend about an hour up there...took pictures, take a rest..and about 1.30pm..I started back my journey down the hill to the boat...
the journey back is much more WORST than going up...the horse was like racing with one another....and it hurts a lot!!what hurts..that I have to leave it to blank..HEHE..its PERSONAL I tell you...HAHAHA..;-p
These trip was a BLAST!!I enjoyed it very much...well its nicer if I brought someone along..well what IM trying to say is that..you will feel much more ROMANTIC if you take along someone you LOVE with you on this trip..trust ME, you will enjoy every moment...Cause I did!!
Beautiful isn't it?? I wished that I could bring someone I LOVE along this trip..ohh well, maybe the next time...my LIFE have a long journey to GO!!!let's trust in FATE!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
May 2008 Part 2
I think what happened during my birthday I already told you..Well you can read it at the posting May 15 2008..Thats the complete story on what happen during my 25th birthday..and also the story of how I met my long lost friend..you can read it at the title 1995 - 2008..I have put all the details there..have fun reading that too..
Well, im going to continue the story after the first week when Im back in the Philippine. After the Sunday I met with Sharina and her sister Risa at MOA, we have lots to talk about then the week goes by without any exciting new events. Just another normal week for me..but what I can't wait is that Friday where Im going to start enjoying Manila.
Friday came, i left the office at 4pm..well I skipped an hour of work just to be at Star City on time cause if you go out at 5pm, Im sure the traffic will be horrible and don't get me started on how the people in the Philippine drived..SWEARING is a must when you are a Malaysian..they drive like a maniac..from 2 lanes you can have up to 5 lanes at a time..just imagine what happen??Caous!!
Arrived at Star City around 5pm..suppose if there is less traffic..it would only took 30mins to be there..but since its Friday, well it took about 45mins to an hour to reach there..The plan was for us to meet around 5.30pm or 6pm..but I rather arrived early than late..Sharina said she will bring few friends that day..and so I brought Veric along.
Sharina, Risa, Mavic and Steph (friends of Sharina) arrived at 6pm..well considering that..they are a little bit late..but no matter..I came that day to enjoy myself..It was raining that day but not heavily..ohhh wait!!!I haven't mention what is Star City..Hahaha..How silly of me..Well, Star City is an amusement park or a theme park..I don't know why they have like a difference between amusement and theme..I can never tell what's the difference..why don't they just stick to one name..OK..Star City is like a funfair but have a few cool rides..cause I can't compare it to Sunway Lagoon which by the way is way better than Star City..Hehe..
Since it was raining..we decided to go to Robinsons Mall Manila first and wait till the park is dry enough for us to get on the rides. Robinsons Mall are just 10mins away from Star City, we took a taxi there. In Robinsons Mall they have 2 Malaysian restaurants there, one is called Penang Hill and the other one is Secret Recipe..Yeah!!like the one we got in Malaysia..We dine in Penang Hill, what did we have that day??Hmm..let me see..ordered 2 Roti Canai's, Udang Sambal, Tandoori chicken, Kangkong Belacan and Fish Head Curry (I don't recommend the fish head..its not as good as what we got in Malaysia and plus it did not taste that good).
After we had our dinner, we went to Secret Recipe for desserts, Risa made a good joke that day..Its still funny till now!!HAHAHAHA...(sorry Risa, its FUNNEH.. ;-p) She wanted to order a Shepard's Pie but what she said to the waitress was a German Shepard..HAHAHAHA..the waitress was like so blur2..and we all laugh..there is a strange girl called Mavic, she does not like people to take pictures of her..sooooo...most of her pictures are covered up with her hands..Hehehe...WEIRD!!
At Secret Recipe, I had Brownies with ice cream same as Risa (Copy Cat!!), Veric and Sharina had the same things also..something chocolate banana cake or something, and Mavic and Steph shared with Sharina. We lepak there like for one hour until 9pm I think when we decided to head back to Star City.
Arrived at Star City, the entrances fee is 300pesos per head and converted to Malaysian Ringgit at that time its RM8 X 3 = RM24 per person..the first ride I went was the flying carpet thingy..I cant remember the exaxct name..a word of advise..please take your dinner after you have enjoyed the rides..cause after this ride I felt like throwing up..Bweekkk!!!!Thats why I didn't go on the Star Flyer@Roller Coaster(the other reason is because I don't like roller coaster..DAMN you who made the Final Destination 3 movie). I remember one time in Disneyland, I was so afraid to ride the roller coaster @ Space Mountain but decided to go ahead, well it did build up my confidence..I think Iman was sitting beside me..I was screaming of afraidness..HAHAHA...
This place has security issues..the ride Galaxy where Im going to ride next has the simplest safety gadgets I have ever seen in my life for theme park rides..even the Funfairs in Malaysia has a better safety rides than in Star City..the ride was circle where we stand inside a something like a cage..a handle bar to hold on too..and rantai besi macam nak kunci basikal..HAHAHA...and its going to spin 360 in mid air..how crazy is that??ohh well..at least I enjoyed..
After that ride, we took a 10minutes rest..we have a drink first before we ride the Surf Dance..its something like the Ship at The Mall Youhan last time..where they toss you left right and up downs..Im glad the scary rides was over..for all that I remembered..Steph wasn't in any of the rides..Im thinking she is afraid..better her than me becoming the chicken..HAHAHA...
We went back inside..Steph and Veric went inside the dungeon..its like a haunted house..YEAH!!I didn't went inside..Want to know why?Ohhh Yeahh..I afraid of it..AHAHAHA...this will sound akward to some..but I went on to ride the kiddies ride..the theme was Little Mermaid..ahhhh..the songs..flash back memories when I was 8 or 9 watching The Little Mermaid..its a nice Disney cartoon..(I think the next story will be about all the Disney movies we all have watched before..and we choose which is the best?let's make a poll??agreed??HAHAHA..)
For the first time in my life, I have ride the Merry Go Round..HAHAHA..I shall put some pictures in this afterwards..so you guys can understand better..HEHE..or see and try to have the same feel rather than imagining what Im saying..
Then..after enjoying all those rides in Star City...we walked to Harbor Square which only took us 5mins..we stayed by the beach..enjoying ourselves with the sea breeze than we went to Iceberg to had a little supper and drinks..I was very thirsty..and the Iced Tea(if you ordered ice tea in Philippine. it is actually Iced Lemon Tea)taste YUCKY!!EEEWWW!!!
That day..I went out from 8am to the office until I reached the hotel at about 2am..WOW!!It amazed me I could survive that..but I know the reason why..HAHAHA..I guess there is not much more to tell what happened in May..going to Dampak, Star City, Robinsons Mall and Harbor Square is kind of all I did in May..If ever I remember somethings that I forgotten to tell..I will edit it later..
So what did I went through last May 2008:-
1) Wished Iman on her birthday (May 1st, its the most easiest birthday to remember..you can't miss it)
2) My Birthday (May 15th, went to DAMPAK to have a WONDERFUL seafood dinner)
3) Met with a long lost FRIEND (Thanks Sharina for bringing me around Manila and THANKS to RISA to accompany her along..May 18, 2008)
4)FUN Day (went to Star City with Sharina, Veric, Risa, Mavic and Steph..had a lot of FUN..May 23rd 2008)
5)Pay Day (May 31st, GAJI terbanyak pernah diterima setakat ini..HAHAHA.. ;-p)
To sum it all..May 2008 closed with a lot of "HAPPY MEMORIES"..Thanks to all..
Well, im going to continue the story after the first week when Im back in the Philippine. After the Sunday I met with Sharina and her sister Risa at MOA, we have lots to talk about then the week goes by without any exciting new events. Just another normal week for me..but what I can't wait is that Friday where Im going to start enjoying Manila.
Friday came, i left the office at 4pm..well I skipped an hour of work just to be at Star City on time cause if you go out at 5pm, Im sure the traffic will be horrible and don't get me started on how the people in the Philippine drived..SWEARING is a must when you are a Malaysian..they drive like a maniac..from 2 lanes you can have up to 5 lanes at a time..just imagine what happen??Caous!!
Arrived at Star City around 5pm..suppose if there is less traffic..it would only took 30mins to be there..but since its Friday, well it took about 45mins to an hour to reach there..The plan was for us to meet around 5.30pm or 6pm..but I rather arrived early than late..Sharina said she will bring few friends that day..and so I brought Veric along.
Sharina, Risa, Mavic and Steph (friends of Sharina) arrived at 6pm..well considering that..they are a little bit late..but no matter..I came that day to enjoy myself..It was raining that day but not heavily..ohhh wait!!!I haven't mention what is Star City..Hahaha..How silly of me..Well, Star City is an amusement park or a theme park..I don't know why they have like a difference between amusement and theme..I can never tell what's the difference..why don't they just stick to one name..OK..Star City is like a funfair but have a few cool rides..cause I can't compare it to Sunway Lagoon which by the way is way better than Star City..Hehe..
Since it was raining..we decided to go to Robinsons Mall Manila first and wait till the park is dry enough for us to get on the rides. Robinsons Mall are just 10mins away from Star City, we took a taxi there. In Robinsons Mall they have 2 Malaysian restaurants there, one is called Penang Hill and the other one is Secret Recipe..Yeah!!like the one we got in Malaysia..We dine in Penang Hill, what did we have that day??Hmm..let me see..ordered 2 Roti Canai's, Udang Sambal, Tandoori chicken, Kangkong Belacan and Fish Head Curry (I don't recommend the fish head..its not as good as what we got in Malaysia and plus it did not taste that good).
After we had our dinner, we went to Secret Recipe for desserts, Risa made a good joke that day..Its still funny till now!!HAHAHAHA...(sorry Risa, its FUNNEH.. ;-p) She wanted to order a Shepard's Pie but what she said to the waitress was a German Shepard..HAHAHAHA..the waitress was like so blur2..and we all laugh..there is a strange girl called Mavic, she does not like people to take pictures of her..sooooo...most of her pictures are covered up with her hands..Hehehe...WEIRD!!
At Secret Recipe, I had Brownies with ice cream same as Risa (Copy Cat!!), Veric and Sharina had the same things also..something chocolate banana cake or something, and Mavic and Steph shared with Sharina. We lepak there like for one hour until 9pm I think when we decided to head back to Star City.
Arrived at Star City, the entrances fee is 300pesos per head and converted to Malaysian Ringgit at that time its RM8 X 3 = RM24 per person..the first ride I went was the flying carpet thingy..I cant remember the exaxct name..a word of advise..please take your dinner after you have enjoyed the rides..cause after this ride I felt like throwing up..Bweekkk!!!!Thats why I didn't go on the Star Flyer@Roller Coaster(the other reason is because I don't like roller coaster..DAMN you who made the Final Destination 3 movie). I remember one time in Disneyland, I was so afraid to ride the roller coaster @ Space Mountain but decided to go ahead, well it did build up my confidence..I think Iman was sitting beside me..I was screaming of afraidness..HAHAHA...
This place has security issues..the ride Galaxy where Im going to ride next has the simplest safety gadgets I have ever seen in my life for theme park rides..even the Funfairs in Malaysia has a better safety rides than in Star City..the ride was circle where we stand inside a something like a cage..a handle bar to hold on too..and rantai besi macam nak kunci basikal..HAHAHA...and its going to spin 360 in mid air..how crazy is that??ohh well..at least I enjoyed..
After that ride, we took a 10minutes rest..we have a drink first before we ride the Surf Dance..its something like the Ship at The Mall Youhan last time..where they toss you left right and up downs..Im glad the scary rides was over..for all that I remembered..Steph wasn't in any of the rides..Im thinking she is afraid..better her than me becoming the chicken..HAHAHA...
We went back inside..Steph and Veric went inside the dungeon..its like a haunted house..YEAH!!I didn't went inside..Want to know why?Ohhh Yeahh..I afraid of it..AHAHAHA...this will sound akward to some..but I went on to ride the kiddies ride..the theme was Little Mermaid..ahhhh..the songs..flash back memories when I was 8 or 9 watching The Little Mermaid..its a nice Disney cartoon..(I think the next story will be about all the Disney movies we all have watched before..and we choose which is the best?let's make a poll??agreed??HAHAHA..)
For the first time in my life, I have ride the Merry Go Round..HAHAHA..I shall put some pictures in this afterwards..so you guys can understand better..HEHE..or see and try to have the same feel rather than imagining what Im saying..
Then..after enjoying all those rides in Star City...we walked to Harbor Square which only took us 5mins..we stayed by the beach..enjoying ourselves with the sea breeze than we went to Iceberg to had a little supper and drinks..I was very thirsty..and the Iced Tea(if you ordered ice tea in Philippine. it is actually Iced Lemon Tea)taste YUCKY!!EEEWWW!!!
That day..I went out from 8am to the office until I reached the hotel at about 2am..WOW!!It amazed me I could survive that..but I know the reason why..HAHAHA..I guess there is not much more to tell what happened in May..going to Dampak, Star City, Robinsons Mall and Harbor Square is kind of all I did in May..If ever I remember somethings that I forgotten to tell..I will edit it later..
So what did I went through last May 2008:-
1) Wished Iman on her birthday (May 1st, its the most easiest birthday to remember..you can't miss it)
2) My Birthday (May 15th, went to DAMPAK to have a WONDERFUL seafood dinner)
3) Met with a long lost FRIEND (Thanks Sharina for bringing me around Manila and THANKS to RISA to accompany her along..May 18, 2008)
4)FUN Day (went to Star City with Sharina, Veric, Risa, Mavic and Steph..had a lot of FUN..May 23rd 2008)
5)Pay Day (May 31st, GAJI terbanyak pernah diterima setakat ini..HAHAHA.. ;-p)
To sum it all..May 2008 closed with a lot of "HAPPY MEMORIES"..Thanks to all..
Cuit-Cuit v.01 [Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy]
This is what I learned today, in Malaysia as we know Tunku Abdul Rahman is our Father of Independence and now I am sharing with you to the man that brought independence to the Philippine.
“From the balcony of his home in Kawit, Cavite, the revolutionary general, Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, made history 110 years ago when he proclaimed Philippine independence. The country thus became the first in Asia to declare independence from the colonial powers that then ruled this part of the world. Today nearby Trece Martires, Cavite’s capital, Aguinaldo is memorialized as the man on horse back, encircled by Philippine flags that are all up in lights by night.”
Text taken from Philippine Daily Inquirer, Thursday, June 12, 2008 by Romy Vitug.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
May 2008 Part 1
I cannot say that I am very proud of myself right now..I don't think I have achieved everything that I wanted in my life..but turning 25 last month on May 15 2008 on Thursday does help me to open my mind and heart to new possibilities.
May 2008 does not make no differences from the other months previously..but it made me realise that Im much more older than and sure enough I must be more matured at this age. As Maklong said: "25 is just a number, what truely matters is your heart"..it still made you younger everyday and every hour and evry minute in your life..that is my saying..
So May, what happened in the month of May of 2008, well I guess not much..but some are pretty amazing story..let's see..on Labor Day, I think I just stayed at the hotel watching tv's or did I slept the whole day??Hmmm...I think I slept the whole day cause my GAJI Accenture tak masuk kan lagi..so not enough money to go out..HeHe.. Well the first weekend of May was sucks!!no MONEY, no GO no WHERE!!!DAMN...
Next week made no differences either..I asked few of the trainees in KL wheather they have received their allowances or not..and they said YES!!they received it on Friday or Saturday itself..meaning the 2nd or 3rd of May..I was like going nuts asking everyone..this is not fair..Im supposed to flyback to Malaysia that week..on May 9th..and still no ALLOWANCES!!
Then I started to bother everyone..like from Maria to Azureen to Kavitha to Su..well I mean everyone..that is like sooo meee....HAHAHA..well what you guys aspect??sit around and wait till the money fell down from the sky?shishhh...I need to buy birthday presents for the little sisters..HAHAHA..they wanted expensived stuffs..HeHe...
Its like the whole week I kept asking the finance department about the allowances...and everytime she will say..why don't you check your account tomorrow..and the next day..and the next..arghhh..it was soooo..frustrating..but on the night of May 8th..at 11pm..I went down to Metrobank and check my balance...Helllll yeaahhhh...Ka-Ching!!!Jackpot..smiles all the way to my room..wuuuuhoooo...(how much i got that I could not tell you..HAHAHA..)
The next day at the office from 8.30-10am..after that I asked the driver to pick me up and bring me to MOA for last minute shopping..I need to search for 3 presents for 3 people..arrived there..and I say its HUGE..you got plenty of signature shops..one Olympic size skating ring..you got cinemas..a few..hehe..IMAX..bowling..a big food court..restaurants..the lists just go on...and did I tell you..at the back of MOA..there is a strecth of BEACH..
Moving on with the simple adventure in the month of May...I arrived at KLIA on May 9 was around 9.30pm..the flight got delayed till 6pm..and Ani was the one picked me up that day..I thinked she was pissed off..cause I was so late..arrived at KL Sentral about 11pm..and she has been waiting like an hour..sorry beb..hehe..According to my Team Lead Azlan shes gonna roast you to death inside the car..HAHAHA...
That weekend in Malaysia..the Saturday after I arrived..woke up early..give the birthday presents to Iman and Diyanah..then I went to Bangi to buy the frozen foods..after that headed to Sri Hartamas to picked up Iman n Diyanah from school but before that..gone to TTDI to buy some more stuff..After picking them up, we went to One Utama..bring them around..and we tried something that is something you other guys don't ever try it..Its horrible!!!HAHAHA...buy icecreams from Baskin Robbins and eat it with A&W waffles..Then we balik rumah ate lunch..at 1.30pm I went back to OU to meet with Maria(my officemate) cause I asked her the favor to passed gift to Azureen..
We Lepak like so lama that day...first at Starbucks..then move on to Delicious and after that to A&W to meet up with Fahmi, Nas, and Ana..Abang (Nizad) joined later..and out of all places..Snoco was there..HAHAHA..
Well as usual..the fun in Malaysia won't last long..I only have 39 hours to complete my task in Malaysia..because on Sunday..Im returning back to Manila..but I look forward for it..cause this will be my first time celebrating my birthday at a foreign country...new experienced for me..hehe..
May 2008 does not make no differences from the other months previously..but it made me realise that Im much more older than and sure enough I must be more matured at this age. As Maklong said: "25 is just a number, what truely matters is your heart"..it still made you younger everyday and every hour and evry minute in your life..that is my saying..
So May, what happened in the month of May of 2008, well I guess not much..but some are pretty amazing story..let's see..on Labor Day, I think I just stayed at the hotel watching tv's or did I slept the whole day??Hmmm...I think I slept the whole day cause my GAJI Accenture tak masuk kan lagi..so not enough money to go out..HeHe.. Well the first weekend of May was sucks!!no MONEY, no GO no WHERE!!!DAMN...
Next week made no differences either..I asked few of the trainees in KL wheather they have received their allowances or not..and they said YES!!they received it on Friday or Saturday itself..meaning the 2nd or 3rd of May..I was like going nuts asking everyone..this is not fair..Im supposed to flyback to Malaysia that week..on May 9th..and still no ALLOWANCES!!
Then I started to bother everyone..like from Maria to Azureen to Kavitha to Su..well I mean everyone..that is like sooo meee....HAHAHA..well what you guys aspect??sit around and wait till the money fell down from the sky?shishhh...I need to buy birthday presents for the little sisters..HAHAHA..they wanted expensived stuffs..HeHe...
Its like the whole week I kept asking the finance department about the allowances...and everytime she will say..why don't you check your account tomorrow..and the next day..and the next..arghhh..it was soooo..frustrating..but on the night of May 8th..at 11pm..I went down to Metrobank and check my balance...Helllll yeaahhhh...Ka-Ching!!!Jackpot..smiles all the way to my room..wuuuuhoooo...(how much i got that I could not tell you..HAHAHA..)
The next day at the office from 8.30-10am..after that I asked the driver to pick me up and bring me to MOA for last minute shopping..I need to search for 3 presents for 3 people..arrived there..and I say its HUGE..you got plenty of signature shops..one Olympic size skating ring..you got cinemas..a few..hehe..IMAX..bowling..a big food court..restaurants..the lists just go on...and did I tell you..at the back of MOA..there is a strecth of BEACH..
Moving on with the simple adventure in the month of May...I arrived at KLIA on May 9 was around 9.30pm..the flight got delayed till 6pm..and Ani was the one picked me up that day..I thinked she was pissed off..cause I was so late..arrived at KL Sentral about 11pm..and she has been waiting like an hour..sorry beb..hehe..According to my Team Lead Azlan shes gonna roast you to death inside the car..HAHAHA...
That weekend in Malaysia..the Saturday after I arrived..woke up early..give the birthday presents to Iman and Diyanah..then I went to Bangi to buy the frozen foods..after that headed to Sri Hartamas to picked up Iman n Diyanah from school but before that..gone to TTDI to buy some more stuff..After picking them up, we went to One Utama..bring them around..and we tried something that is something you other guys don't ever try it..Its horrible!!!HAHAHA...buy icecreams from Baskin Robbins and eat it with A&W waffles..Then we balik rumah ate lunch..at 1.30pm I went back to OU to meet with Maria(my officemate) cause I asked her the favor to passed gift to Azureen..
We Lepak like so lama that day...first at Starbucks..then move on to Delicious and after that to A&W to meet up with Fahmi, Nas, and Ana..Abang (Nizad) joined later..and out of all places..Snoco was there..HAHAHA..
Well as usual..the fun in Malaysia won't last long..I only have 39 hours to complete my task in Malaysia..because on Sunday..Im returning back to Manila..but I look forward for it..cause this will be my first time celebrating my birthday at a foreign country...new experienced for me..hehe..
January - April 2008
A brief intro into my 25th year in this world..there is a lot to talk about..but time is not the essence(is this the correct spelling??)haha..nevermind that...
Jan '08: I wish 2008 would make a lot of differences and changes in my life..i hope i am ready for manhood..if thats even a word..hehe..to start..i got 2-3 interviews after my graduation..but i guess the turning point is in January..where everything in my life started to make sense..yeah it did..in January i got an interview with Accenture..the place where i am working for now..but currently i am in the client side..
Feb '08: Started building up my career with Accenture..start date was 22nd February
Mar '08: Full training for a month..and a little bit of these and that..making more friends..meeting more beautiful and matured woman..hahaha...able to find a few candidates to make them my wife(just kidding)hahaha...and what a surprise..my first job..i got the oppurtunity of working overseas..yeah that's right..
Apr '08: I have been sent to Chevron (an oil & gas co.or Caltex is a part of it) and right now im based in Manila, Philippines..its wonderful here..there is all the freedom anyone could want..this is the time i would build up myself of becoming a great man in the making..its not that hard actually..just try in your capabilities and you are there..people tend to pull down your strength..but i have to strive to be successfull..its not for anybody else..but for myself.. I hope i would succeed and achieved more than i have accomplished now..i have come from a long way to this point..i hope again i could really make the best of it..believing in myself is most probably the key to my success..
Thank You God!!!
Jan '08: I wish 2008 would make a lot of differences and changes in my life..i hope i am ready for manhood..if thats even a word..hehe..to start..i got 2-3 interviews after my graduation..but i guess the turning point is in January..where everything in my life started to make sense..yeah it did..in January i got an interview with Accenture..the place where i am working for now..but currently i am in the client side..
Feb '08: Started building up my career with Accenture..start date was 22nd February
Mar '08: Full training for a month..and a little bit of these and that..making more friends..meeting more beautiful and matured woman..hahaha...able to find a few candidates to make them my wife(just kidding)hahaha...and what a surprise..my first job..i got the oppurtunity of working overseas..yeah that's right..
Apr '08: I have been sent to Chevron (an oil & gas co.or Caltex is a part of it) and right now im based in Manila, Philippines..its wonderful here..there is all the freedom anyone could want..this is the time i would build up myself of becoming a great man in the making..its not that hard actually..just try in your capabilities and you are there..people tend to pull down your strength..but i have to strive to be successfull..its not for anybody else..but for myself.. I hope i would succeed and achieved more than i have accomplished now..i have come from a long way to this point..i hope again i could really make the best of it..believing in myself is most probably the key to my success..
Thank You God!!!
What have I accomplished for the past 24 years ago??
Age 1: Can't remember
Age2: Same as above
Age3: SOA (But I think at this age I moved to KL with the family)
Age4: SOA
Age5: SOA
Age6: Moved back to Batu Pahat to stay with my parents (its a long story..i'll tell later)
Age7: Started primary school at SRK Monfort, Batu Pahat Johor..my mom was the class teacher for 1 Biru. At the end of the school year, I got number 1 overall..scored 100% in every exams..and well maybe cheated in maths..my bro changed my answers when my mom isn't looking..hahaha...
Age8: Moved back to KL and stayed with my Atuk(my mom's uncle to be exact)..changed school where I attended Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Damansara..in class 2 Biru..so far as I think back..there is no significant events that made my year special..odd really..ohh..ohh..I remember that I went to Medan, Indonesia this year..it was in 1992..yup..going to Lake Toba with Atuk, Maklong(my mom's cousin), Paklong, Khalil(my 2nd cousin)..I think Makchu(my mom's cousin) was there too..hehe..It was fun..
Age9: Entered standard 3 Hijau..no significant events happen either until all the way to standard 5. But maybe Im starting to become much more bigger now..of courselaa..im growing up..duh~ohh yes..I disunatkan this particular year..in 1993..at Klinik Dr. Ismail Batu Pahat..hahaha...
Age10: Class 4 Biru..I think my favourite subject at this time was Alam & Manusia..and I remember one time..I need to bring some soil sample to the school..my Hero(that is my Atuk) has to find the soils..I just sit back and relax..I can say this..at that time, I am very Manja..crying was speacilities..if I cant get toys or anything..I will cry..hahaha..I think I went to Singapore this year..hmm..not so sure..haha..or is it last year??
Age11: Class 5 Biru..still nothing amazing happens..
Age12:6 Kuning..the year is 1995..this is the year where all the standard sixes is taking their UPSR..I managed to get 2A's and 2B's..A's for BM(Pemahaman) and English B's for BM(Karangan) and Maths..I hate maths..it sucks..then end of that year..I asked Atuk weather I could moved back and stayed with my parents in Batu Pahat. And well, I moved back to Batu Pahat that year..
Age13: Schooling in Sekolah Tinggi Batu Pahat, entering form 1A1..what I remember was, during the first ujian bulanan..I got 100% for maths..thats the first time I managed to get a full marked for mathematics..hahahaha...(after that day..no more A's for maths..everage is C) I met again with those friends from standard 1 in Montfort, and making new friends on the way..at age 13, that was in 1996, in December, I went to perform my Umrah in Makkah, visited the Prophet Muhammad mosque and when you're there..you felt humble and all..it was a great feeling..I went there with Atuk, Maklong, Paklong, Khalil and Makchu..the same people I went to Medan with..hehe..after Umrah, we went to Istanbul, Turkey..travelling is so much fun..
Age14: Form 2A1..my cousins previously living in Hulu Langat also moved back to Batu Pahat. Not much of memorables events this year..but I think I started playing bowling around this time..yeah..form 2..
Age15:Form 3A1..PMR..ahhh well..i did well..5A's and 3B's..celebrated at Umbai, Melaka..the seafoods was delicious...I guess till this coming of age..there is not much of adventures if you are a thrill seeker..this is the story of a teenagers living a simple life..I think in 1998..my sister got sick..her kidney failed..and that year has become hard for all of us..my bro took his SPM that year..for his result..do contact him..hehe..
Age16:Now, this is an interesting year..I learned what puppy love is..and now when you think about it..you'll felt stupid..hahaha..Form 4S, becoming a member of Tunas Bestari..a JCorp and Johor Education Department collaboration to trained us, teenagers at the time to become successful entrepreneurs..yeah right!!!you guys just waste a lot of money for us..we learned a lot..and I even learned how to swindle the money..making profit for the team and even profit for my own..hahahaha..funny..ohh..puppy love, she was a student at SIGS(Sultan Ibrahim Girl School JB)..she was like a crush for me..so nothing interesting..but the school,SIGS,will be in the picture after this..hehe..ohh..on my 16th birthday, I got a motorcycle for my birthday..hahaha..the model was Modenas Kriss,blue colour, the plate number was JFH7464..
Age17: Form 5S..the primetime of my life..the starting point of every accomplishment from career,love, education and more..it all started here..form 5..this year in 2000,I took my SPM, my mother retired from being a school teacher and others..starting with my SPM, I am the first batch of Sijil Terbuka..so no more aggreget..or what ever it spelled..I only acquired only 1A2, 3B3, 1C5, 3D7 and 1 fail..thats add maths..who invented addmaths is such a loser..hahaha..its bad i know..but I dont regret it..i had my drivers license in 2000..I am in the english debate team, and we rock..I even have my picture inside the New Straits Times, my mom framed it..what a mom??ahahaha...our debate team when all the way to the National's..but we lost to Kelantan..I had my first heartbreak this year, I ran away from home also during this year, yeah I did..but this what teenagers do..they did a lot of stupid things..moving on till the 18th year of my life..
Age18:Considered as an adult..but still has the brains of a 10 year old..hahaha..got accepted to UiTM(Universiti Teknologi MARA)UiTM DiHatiku..hahaha...taken the course of Diploma in Food Technology..I hated it..I wanted to studied law..but my results aren't that good..so stuck with this stupid course for 6months when finally I got kicked out because my pointer at the end of the semester was 0.52(CGPA)hahahahaha...and I did worked at McDonalds for a while..yeah..McD Pusat Bandar Damansara..
Age19:the year is 2002, my parents got divorced, and I am jobless and without proper education..then I entered some kind of a goverment funded courses..I took something like PC maintenance..at SEGI college in Subang Jaya, myself, my brother and my cousin, we are staying in Ampang..and everyday going to our college on 2 motorcycles to Subang Jaya..ohh my god..its such a far away to be living somewhere else and studying somewhere else..but my patients pays..I quit that college and rejoin UiTM for Diploma in Information Management in Segamat, Johor..I am studying in the Jungle for 3 years..and as far as I remembered..that year, our Aidilfitri celebration is without our parents..we siblings celebrated by ourselves..my mom was is US..my dad was M.I.A(missing in action)..it was very sad..all of us cried when the radio played the song Ku pohon Restu Ayah Bonda..huhuhu..very touching...and after 4 days of Aidilfitri..I entered UiTM Segamat for my start of semester..very touching indeed...
Age20:1st and 2nd semester in UiTM Segamat..I was courting this girl..she is below my age a year..thats because I entered late this time around..my 1st term I did good..I got Dean's List..4.51(CGPA)..It felt great..I was very pumped up..and with this girl it sort of destroyed my ability to maintained my CGPA for the 2nd term..from 4.51 I droped to 2 pointer in my 2nd semester..OHH great..love conquers all..I didn't realised it till it was too late..she was my 2nd girlfriend by the way..I spent RM2000 the whole 2nd semester just to court her to my way...hahaha...thats the price I am paying for something that is uncertain..and this girl is engaged in 2008..and if I am not mistaken..she is getting married somtimes this year..yeap..im still in contact..boohooo..such a loser I turn out to be..hahaha..
Age21: still in UiTM Segamat for my 3rd and 4th semester..as I remembered this year that I performed in front of the students of UiTM Segamat for the Battle of the Band..my resident college that is Sempana Riau College..the best male college in UiTM Segamat..hehe..I sang Swing Swing by the All American Rejects..hahaha..I dont even know how it happened..but it did happened..thats one of the memories that I can't forget..good gracious..it was a night of a lifetime..In the 4th semester..I was running for the Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar seat for my course..I have 3 competitors..I was one of the two elected..and became the Setiausaha Agong of MPP for UiTM Segamat..you guess right..I am one of the powerful student in UiTM after that..FYI, I am still the class representative from the 1st semester..I don't know how they choose me..but its a wonderful job..
Age22:The final year in UiTM..5th semester..I did something that I am always against off..having 2 girlfriends in one time..what was I thinking that time,I think that the power that has been invested in me..I have used it unwisely..hahahaha..I did use my power to become more influential and popular..im thirst for more power..i even have a go with the president..hahaha..I was the only one disagreeing with his vision..duh~i have my own vision which is more student friendly haha..at this age, I have cheated to my self and other people around me..I broke up with the 2 of them..that is not an easy thing to do(I got another GF before the 2 of them..but it was a mistake..I just don't want to let her down..then a week after that..I broke up with her..it was before the two..and I think it was in the 2nd semester..hehe..)..the 6th and final semester in Segamat..I'll tell you..this is where I found my first love..the love that I will never forget..but I wont go into details..it is such a sad story..and at the age of 22..year 2005..I lost the man who taught me everything about life..my one and only hero in my life..My Atuk..he passed away at the age of 84, the first day of Aidilfitri 1425Hijrah..at 10pm..and from that day onwards..I never returned back for Aidilfitri..i'll always come up with the reasons of im having exams..the one I love..was very supportived..she was the one that calms me down..showed me the way towards patients..and god bless her..now she is married with one daughter..and also in 2005..i went to Hong Kong,with Maklong&Paklong,Khalil,Makchu,Mak Neno,Aunty Ros and children(Iman, Diyanah and Syafiq)and also aunty Imah..in 2005, it is full off everything...
Age23: 2006..got into Degree in Information Management majoring in Records Management and minoring in information system management..in my diploma..i managed to get 3.13(CGPA)..i went for my convocation..living in a rent house..I guess since 23..there is not much happenings in my life..the one I love got married in June..I am still the class representative till i graduated my degree..its a boring 2 years experienced during my degree..
Age24:Well,2007..I graduated with 3.14(CGPA) in my degree...I have the experienced of working at the Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur..I have make tons of friends..appreciating everything that comes in my live..and hoping for the best when I am 25..that story will start after this..starting in 2008..hehe..
There is up and downs in my life..there is a lot to think in this life..there is a much longer journey I haven't reach yet..there too many things to see, to hear, to know..hmmm..and this is not the end of my writing..there will be more to come..where the 1st half of 2008 will be told to you..hahaha...
Age 1: Can't remember
Age2: Same as above
Age3: SOA (But I think at this age I moved to KL with the family)
Age4: SOA
Age5: SOA
Age6: Moved back to Batu Pahat to stay with my parents (its a long story..i'll tell later)
Age7: Started primary school at SRK Monfort, Batu Pahat Johor..my mom was the class teacher for 1 Biru. At the end of the school year, I got number 1 overall..scored 100% in every exams..and well maybe cheated in maths..my bro changed my answers when my mom isn't looking..hahaha...
Age8: Moved back to KL and stayed with my Atuk(my mom's uncle to be exact)..changed school where I attended Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Damansara..in class 2 Biru..so far as I think back..there is no significant events that made my year special..odd really..ohh..ohh..I remember that I went to Medan, Indonesia this year..it was in 1992..yup..going to Lake Toba with Atuk, Maklong(my mom's cousin), Paklong, Khalil(my 2nd cousin)..I think Makchu(my mom's cousin) was there too..hehe..It was fun..
Age9: Entered standard 3 Hijau..no significant events happen either until all the way to standard 5. But maybe Im starting to become much more bigger now..of courselaa..im growing up..duh~ohh yes..I disunatkan this particular year..in 1993..at Klinik Dr. Ismail Batu Pahat..hahaha...
Age10: Class 4 Biru..I think my favourite subject at this time was Alam & Manusia..and I remember one time..I need to bring some soil sample to the school..my Hero(that is my Atuk) has to find the soils..I just sit back and relax..I can say this..at that time, I am very Manja..crying was speacilities..if I cant get toys or anything..I will cry..hahaha..I think I went to Singapore this year..hmm..not so sure..haha..or is it last year??
Age11: Class 5 Biru..still nothing amazing happens..
Age12:6 Kuning..the year is 1995..this is the year where all the standard sixes is taking their UPSR..I managed to get 2A's and 2B's..A's for BM(Pemahaman) and English B's for BM(Karangan) and Maths..I hate maths..it sucks..then end of that year..I asked Atuk weather I could moved back and stayed with my parents in Batu Pahat. And well, I moved back to Batu Pahat that year..
Age13: Schooling in Sekolah Tinggi Batu Pahat, entering form 1A1..what I remember was, during the first ujian bulanan..I got 100% for maths..thats the first time I managed to get a full marked for mathematics..hahahaha...(after that day..no more A's for maths..everage is C) I met again with those friends from standard 1 in Montfort, and making new friends on the way..at age 13, that was in 1996, in December, I went to perform my Umrah in Makkah, visited the Prophet Muhammad mosque and when you're there..you felt humble and all..it was a great feeling..I went there with Atuk, Maklong, Paklong, Khalil and Makchu..the same people I went to Medan with..hehe..after Umrah, we went to Istanbul, Turkey..travelling is so much fun..
Age14: Form 2A1..my cousins previously living in Hulu Langat also moved back to Batu Pahat. Not much of memorables events this year..but I think I started playing bowling around this time..yeah..form 2..
Age15:Form 3A1..PMR..ahhh well..i did well..5A's and 3B's..celebrated at Umbai, Melaka..the seafoods was delicious...I guess till this coming of age..there is not much of adventures if you are a thrill seeker..this is the story of a teenagers living a simple life..I think in 1998..my sister got sick..her kidney failed..and that year has become hard for all of us..my bro took his SPM that year..for his result..do contact him..hehe..
Age16:Now, this is an interesting year..I learned what puppy love is..and now when you think about it..you'll felt stupid..hahaha..Form 4S, becoming a member of Tunas Bestari..a JCorp and Johor Education Department collaboration to trained us, teenagers at the time to become successful entrepreneurs..yeah right!!!you guys just waste a lot of money for us..we learned a lot..and I even learned how to swindle the money..making profit for the team and even profit for my own..hahahaha..funny..ohh..puppy love, she was a student at SIGS(Sultan Ibrahim Girl School JB)..she was like a crush for me..so nothing interesting..but the school,SIGS,will be in the picture after this..hehe..ohh..on my 16th birthday, I got a motorcycle for my birthday..hahaha..the model was Modenas Kriss,blue colour, the plate number was JFH7464..
Age17: Form 5S..the primetime of my life..the starting point of every accomplishment from career,love, education and more..it all started here..form 5..this year in 2000,I took my SPM, my mother retired from being a school teacher and others..starting with my SPM, I am the first batch of Sijil Terbuka..so no more aggreget..or what ever it spelled..I only acquired only 1A2, 3B3, 1C5, 3D7 and 1 fail..thats add maths..who invented addmaths is such a loser..hahaha..its bad i know..but I dont regret it..i had my drivers license in 2000..I am in the english debate team, and we rock..I even have my picture inside the New Straits Times, my mom framed it..what a mom??ahahaha...our debate team when all the way to the National's..but we lost to Kelantan..I had my first heartbreak this year, I ran away from home also during this year, yeah I did..but this what teenagers do..they did a lot of stupid things..moving on till the 18th year of my life..
Age18:Considered as an adult..but still has the brains of a 10 year old..hahaha..got accepted to UiTM(Universiti Teknologi MARA)UiTM DiHatiku..hahaha...taken the course of Diploma in Food Technology..I hated it..I wanted to studied law..but my results aren't that good..so stuck with this stupid course for 6months when finally I got kicked out because my pointer at the end of the semester was 0.52(CGPA)hahahahaha...and I did worked at McDonalds for a while..yeah..McD Pusat Bandar Damansara..
Age19:the year is 2002, my parents got divorced, and I am jobless and without proper education..then I entered some kind of a goverment funded courses..I took something like PC maintenance..at SEGI college in Subang Jaya, myself, my brother and my cousin, we are staying in Ampang..and everyday going to our college on 2 motorcycles to Subang Jaya..ohh my god..its such a far away to be living somewhere else and studying somewhere else..but my patients pays..I quit that college and rejoin UiTM for Diploma in Information Management in Segamat, Johor..I am studying in the Jungle for 3 years..and as far as I remembered..that year, our Aidilfitri celebration is without our parents..we siblings celebrated by ourselves..my mom was is US..my dad was M.I.A(missing in action)..it was very sad..all of us cried when the radio played the song Ku pohon Restu Ayah Bonda..huhuhu..very touching...and after 4 days of Aidilfitri..I entered UiTM Segamat for my start of semester..very touching indeed...
Age20:1st and 2nd semester in UiTM Segamat..I was courting this girl..she is below my age a year..thats because I entered late this time around..my 1st term I did good..I got Dean's List..4.51(CGPA)..It felt great..I was very pumped up..and with this girl it sort of destroyed my ability to maintained my CGPA for the 2nd term..from 4.51 I droped to 2 pointer in my 2nd semester..OHH great..love conquers all..I didn't realised it till it was too late..she was my 2nd girlfriend by the way..I spent RM2000 the whole 2nd semester just to court her to my way...hahaha...thats the price I am paying for something that is uncertain..and this girl is engaged in 2008..and if I am not mistaken..she is getting married somtimes this year..yeap..im still in contact..boohooo..such a loser I turn out to be..hahaha..
Age21: still in UiTM Segamat for my 3rd and 4th semester..as I remembered this year that I performed in front of the students of UiTM Segamat for the Battle of the Band..my resident college that is Sempana Riau College..the best male college in UiTM Segamat..hehe..I sang Swing Swing by the All American Rejects..hahaha..I dont even know how it happened..but it did happened..thats one of the memories that I can't forget..good gracious..it was a night of a lifetime..In the 4th semester..I was running for the Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar seat for my course..I have 3 competitors..I was one of the two elected..and became the Setiausaha Agong of MPP for UiTM Segamat..you guess right..I am one of the powerful student in UiTM after that..FYI, I am still the class representative from the 1st semester..I don't know how they choose me..but its a wonderful job..
Age22:The final year in UiTM..5th semester..I did something that I am always against off..having 2 girlfriends in one time..what was I thinking that time,I think that the power that has been invested in me..I have used it unwisely..hahahaha..I did use my power to become more influential and popular..im thirst for more power..i even have a go with the president..hahaha..I was the only one disagreeing with his vision..duh~i have my own vision which is more student friendly haha..at this age, I have cheated to my self and other people around me..I broke up with the 2 of them..that is not an easy thing to do(I got another GF before the 2 of them..but it was a mistake..I just don't want to let her down..then a week after that..I broke up with her..it was before the two..and I think it was in the 2nd semester..hehe..)..the 6th and final semester in Segamat..I'll tell you..this is where I found my first love..the love that I will never forget..but I wont go into details..it is such a sad story..and at the age of 22..year 2005..I lost the man who taught me everything about life..my one and only hero in my life..My Atuk..he passed away at the age of 84, the first day of Aidilfitri 1425Hijrah..at 10pm..and from that day onwards..I never returned back for Aidilfitri..i'll always come up with the reasons of im having exams..the one I love..was very supportived..she was the one that calms me down..showed me the way towards patients..and god bless her..now she is married with one daughter..and also in 2005..i went to Hong Kong,with Maklong&Paklong,Khalil,Makchu,Mak Neno,Aunty Ros and children(Iman, Diyanah and Syafiq)and also aunty Imah..in 2005, it is full off everything...
Age23: 2006..got into Degree in Information Management majoring in Records Management and minoring in information system management..in my diploma..i managed to get 3.13(CGPA)..i went for my convocation..living in a rent house..I guess since 23..there is not much happenings in my life..the one I love got married in June..I am still the class representative till i graduated my degree..its a boring 2 years experienced during my degree..
Age24:Well,2007..I graduated with 3.14(CGPA) in my degree...I have the experienced of working at the Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur..I have make tons of friends..appreciating everything that comes in my live..and hoping for the best when I am 25..that story will start after this..starting in 2008..hehe..
There is up and downs in my life..there is a lot to think in this life..there is a much longer journey I haven't reach yet..there too many things to see, to hear, to know..hmmm..and this is not the end of my writing..there will be more to come..where the 1st half of 2008 will be told to you..hahaha...
1995 - 2008
I could never imagined that after 13 years..I will still have a friend that remembers me..it is so unusual..and out of all the places in the world..i would say meeting one in Manila, Philippines is very unlikely..
Its a funny story really, Sharina was a friend of mine and yet we still are now, where we went to the same Primary school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Damansara(SKBD). I joined the school in standard two until standard six..that is between the year 1991 - 1995..I think..Well we even go tothe same sekolah agama..at Masjid Umar Al-Kattab in Bukit Damansara (they have like one of the best Lakse Penang..and the fruits..wow delicious..im hungry right now!)
Ok the story goes, on the May 15th, Sharina send me a comment on Friendster wishing me Happy Birthday and all..then I open up her profile and saw that she is currently living in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines..and i was like WOW!and i wrotw a message..asking if thats is true..that she is in Makati..
That evening also..i got her message..she was like sooooo happy and all leaves her phone numbers(yeah..numbers) and saying things like we should meet while Im here in the Philippines..well I replied back and give her my number..by the way, this is my Philippines number..+639174379124 (I will stop using this number in about a week..HAHAHA)
Like 5minutes after i replied the message on Friendster, she text me on my cell..and we were like texting till night..so many things to talk about but so little time..and I was like saying..lets meet this weekend..and she said why not!!So we set up on Sunday, May 18 2008 we shall meet at the Mall of Asia..(its like the biggest Mall in Asia or South East Asia I think).
and that Sunday, we met..I was waiting at Starbucks while drinking my favourite coffee..iced Caremel Machiattho..is that how it spelled??not sure..HAHAHA..well, they arrived at 2pm..at the front entrance of MOA..when I said they..Im referring to Sharina and her sister, Sharisa (FYI, she was like the cutest people I have ever known..HAHAHA)
After that we went to had our lunch at this place which I can't remember what its called..yeah like we stayed there for 3 hours talking..and mostly we talked bout the past..Then they dragged me to this beauty salon where they wanted to thread thier eyebrows and I made HISTORY where I did the First MANICURE & PEDICURE and plus a foot scrub in MY life..HAHAHA...
After the beauty salon..we went bowling because Risa wanted to bowl..I always said that I never played before..HAHAHA..which later they found out that Im good at it..but not greatlaa..Risa did something with the glasses and tricked me into eating a discussting candy..BWEKKK!!!and its just not my day when I lost to Risa at bowling...HAHAHA..by 20points I think..she's a good bowler...
By the time we finished bowling it was already dark outside..we went to Coffee Bean and have a drink and deserts..I cant remember what I had that day..but the cake was nice..then we strolled down outside of the Mall..whereby the beach was on our left..the sea breeze..it was not an awful day..I had fun that day...
Well Sharina and Risa lives at Roxas Boulevard which is quite near to MOA..I asked Romer(my driver) to take them home as well..Overall I should say..after 13 years there is so much you want to talk about..like Sharina is married and have two kids now..what about the others from SKBD batch of 1995..a REUNION with all of them could be nice..
The DAY ended great!!!
Its a funny story really, Sharina was a friend of mine and yet we still are now, where we went to the same Primary school at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Damansara(SKBD). I joined the school in standard two until standard six..that is between the year 1991 - 1995..I think..Well we even go tothe same sekolah agama..at Masjid Umar Al-Kattab in Bukit Damansara (they have like one of the best Lakse Penang..and the fruits..wow delicious..im hungry right now!)
Ok the story goes, on the May 15th, Sharina send me a comment on Friendster wishing me Happy Birthday and all..then I open up her profile and saw that she is currently living in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines..and i was like WOW!and i wrotw a message..asking if thats is true..that she is in Makati..
That evening also..i got her message..she was like sooooo happy and all leaves her phone numbers(yeah..numbers) and saying things like we should meet while Im here in the Philippines..well I replied back and give her my number..by the way, this is my Philippines number..+639174379124 (I will stop using this number in about a week..HAHAHA)
Like 5minutes after i replied the message on Friendster, she text me on my cell..and we were like texting till night..so many things to talk about but so little time..and I was like saying..lets meet this weekend..and she said why not!!So we set up on Sunday, May 18 2008 we shall meet at the Mall of Asia..(its like the biggest Mall in Asia or South East Asia I think).
and that Sunday, we met..I was waiting at Starbucks while drinking my favourite coffee..iced Caremel Machiattho..is that how it spelled??not sure..HAHAHA..well, they arrived at 2pm..at the front entrance of MOA..when I said they..Im referring to Sharina and her sister, Sharisa (FYI, she was like the cutest people I have ever known..HAHAHA)
After that we went to had our lunch at this place which I can't remember what its called..yeah like we stayed there for 3 hours talking..and mostly we talked bout the past..Then they dragged me to this beauty salon where they wanted to thread thier eyebrows and I made HISTORY where I did the First MANICURE & PEDICURE and plus a foot scrub in MY life..HAHAHA...
After the beauty salon..we went bowling because Risa wanted to bowl..I always said that I never played before..HAHAHA..which later they found out that Im good at it..but not greatlaa..Risa did something with the glasses and tricked me into eating a discussting candy..BWEKKK!!!and its just not my day when I lost to Risa at bowling...HAHAHA..by 20points I think..she's a good bowler...
By the time we finished bowling it was already dark outside..we went to Coffee Bean and have a drink and deserts..I cant remember what I had that day..but the cake was nice..then we strolled down outside of the Mall..whereby the beach was on our left..the sea breeze..it was not an awful day..I had fun that day...
Well Sharina and Risa lives at Roxas Boulevard which is quite near to MOA..I asked Romer(my driver) to take them home as well..Overall I should say..after 13 years there is so much you want to talk about..like Sharina is married and have two kids now..what about the others from SKBD batch of 1995..a REUNION with all of them could be nice..
The DAY ended great!!!
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