Monday, November 23, 2009


 I say..It was a good movie..

This is a story about a prediction made by the Mayans long before the invention seismic calculator on the earth crust..Does that sounds right??Hehe..It is the End of the World, Judgement Day, Qiamat, Apocalypse or What ever you want to call it..

In the year 2009 (based on the movie), this guy name Adrian flies to India to meet with his friend on urgent matters. Little he found out that the trip changes his life, not just him but the entire human race. The cause of this apocalyptic events are because of the solar explosion made by the sun that was so powerful it sends radiation to earth (this is based on my understanding..haha..) core and melted away the earth's crust. It started when the planets are aligned and till the year 2012 all preparations needed are almost ready for disposal, Apocalypse started.

The movie are done with cool effects and the cinematography are great. But during the course of this movie, the escaped part played by John Cusack was totally Bull#&%$ Pardone mon Francais..hehe..anyway it was a good movie..nice storyline..logically explained on the turn of events (some actually), narrated in a good way. Funny scenes (the part where the Queen, Elizabeth are trying to get the dogs in the arc or when to old ladies just came back from buying groceries), a few drama scene showed very well to the extent I connected with the movie..Cewahh!!!Haha..(the part when Adrian called his father, it was touching..I wished I can call my father).

To sum it all up..I rated this movie with 4 POPCORNS..Brava..Brava..

The Poster above shown is when California fell to bottom of Pacific Ocean.. 

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