Di ambil dari note Friend dalam Facebook. Sekadar untuk di kongsi bersama.
1. Selepas Malaikat Israfil meniup sangkakala
(bentuknya seperti tanduk besar) yang memekakkan telinga, seluruh makhluk mati kecuali Izrail & beberapa malaikat yg lain.. Selepas itu, Izrail pun mencabut nyawa malaikat yg tinggal dan akhirnya nyawanya sendiri.
2. Selepas semua makhluk mati, Tuhan pun berfirman mafhumnya “Kepunyaan siapakah kerajaan hari ini?” Tiada siapa yang menjawab. Lalu Dia sendiri menjawab dengan keagunganNya “Kepunyaan Allah Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Perkasa”. Ini menunjukkan kebesaran & keagunganNya sebagai Tuhan yg Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Kekal Hidup, tidak mati.
3. Selepas 40 tahun, Malaikat Israfil a. s. dihidupkan, seterusnya meniup sangkakala untuk kali ke-2, lantas seluruh makhluk hidup semula di atas bumi putih, berupa padang Mahsyar
(umpama padang Arafah) yang rata tidak berbukit atau bulat seperti bumi.
4. Sekelian manusia hidup melalui benih anak Adam yg disebut “Ajbuz Zanbi” yang berada di hujung tulang belakang mereka. Hiduplah manusia umpama anak pokok yg kembang membesar dari biji benih.
5. Semua manusia dan jin dibangkitkan dalam keadaan telanjang dan hina. Mereka tidak rasa malu kerana pada ketika itu hati mereka sangat takut dan bimbang tentang nasib & masa depan yang akan mereka hadapi kelak.
6. Lalu datanglah api yang berterbangan dengan bunyi seperti guruh yang menghalau manusia, jin dan binatang ke tempat perhimpunan besar. Bergeraklah mereka menggunakan tunggangan (bagi yang banyak amal), berjalan kaki (bagi yang kurang amalan) dan berjalan dengan muka (bagi yang banyak dosa). Ketika itu, ibu akan lupakan anak, suami akan lupakan isteri, setiap manusia sibuk memikirkan nasib mereka.
7. Setelah semua makhluk dikumpulkan, matahari dan bulan dihapuskan cahayanya, lalu mereka tinggal dalam kegelapan tanpa cahaya. Berlakulah huru-hara yang amat dahsyat.
8. Tiba-tiba langit yang tebal pecah dengan bunyi yang dahsyat, lalu turunlah malaikat sambil bertasbih kepada Allah Ta’ala. Seluruh makhluk terkejut melihat saiz malaikat yang besar dan suaranya yang menakutkan.
9. Kemudian matahari muncul semula dengan kepanasan yang berganda. Hingga dirasakan seakan-akan matahari berada sejengkal dari atas kepala mereka. Ulama berkata jika matahari naik di bumi seperti keadaannya naik dihari Kiamat nescaya seluruh bumi terbakar, bukit- bukau hancur dan sungai menjadi kering. Lalu mereka rasai kepanasan dan bermandikan peluh sehingga peluh mereka menjadi lautan. Timbul atau tenggelam mereka bergantung pada amalan masing-masing. Keadaan mereka berlanjutan sehingga 1000 tahun.
10. Terdapat satu kolam ( ??? ) kepunyaan Nabi Muhammad s. a. w. bernama Al-Kausar yang mengandungi air yang hanya dapat diminum oleh orang mukmin sahaja. Orang bukan mukmin akan dihalau oleh malaikat yang menjaganya. Jika diminum airnya tidak akan haus selama-lamanya. Kolam ini berbentuk segi empat tepat sebesar satu bulan perjalanan. Bau air kolam ini lebih harum dari kasturi, warnanya lebih putih dari susu dan rasanya lebih sejuk dari embun. Ia mempunyai saluran yang mengalir dari syurga.
11. Semua makhluk berada bawah cahaya matahari yang terik kecuali 7 golongan yang mendapat teduhan dari Arasy. Mereka ialah:
1. Pemimpin yang adil.
2. Orang muda yang taat kepada perintah Allah.
3. Lelaki yang terikat hatinya dgn masjid.
4. Dua orang yang bertemu kerana Allah dan berpisah kerana Allah.
5. Lelaki yang diajak oleh wanita berzina, tetapi dia menolak dengan berkata “Aku takut pada Allah”.
6. Lelaki yg bersedekah dengan bersembunyi
(tidak diketahui orang ramai).
7. Lelaki yang suka bersendirian mengingati Allah lalu mengalir air matanya kerana takutkan Allah.
12. Oleh kerana tersangat lama menunggu di padang mahsyar, semua manusia tidak tahu berbuat apa melainkan mereka yang beriman, kemudian mereka terdengar suara “pergilah berjumpa dengan para Nabi”. Maka mereka pun pergi mencari para Nabi. Pertama sekali kumpulan manusia ini berjumpa dengan Nabi Adam tetapi usaha mereka gagal kerana Nabi Adam a. s menyatakan beliau juga ada melakukan kesalahan dengan Allah Ta’ala. Maka kumpulan besar itu kemudiannya berjumpa Nabi Nuh a. s., Nabi Ibrahim a. s., Nabi Musa a. s., Nabi Isa a. s. (semuanya memberikan sebab seperti Nabi Adam a. s.) dan akhirnya mereka berjumpa Rasullullah saw. Jarak masa antara satu nabi dengan yang lain adalah 1000 tahun perjalanan.
13. Lalu berdoalah baginda Nabi Muhammad s. a. w. ke hadrat Allah Ta’ala. Lalu diperkenankan doa baginda.
14. Selepas itu, terdengar bunyi pukulan gendang yang kuat hingga menakutkan hati semua makhluk kerana mereka sangka azab akan turun. Lalu terbelah langit, turunlah arasy Tuhan yang dipikul oleh 8 orang malaikat yang sangat besar (besarnya sejarak perjalanan 20ribu tahun) sambil bertasbih dengan suara yang amat kuat sehingga ‘Arasy itu tiba dibumi.
15. ‘Arasy ( ??? ) ialah jisim nurani yang amat besar berbentuk kubah
(bumbung bulat) yang mempunyai 4 batang tiang yang sentiasa dipikul oleh 4 orang malaikat yang besar dan gagah. Dalam bahasa mudah ia seumpama istana yang mempunyai seribu bilik yang menempatkan jutaan malaikat di dalamnya. Ia dilingkungi embun yang menghijab cahayanya yang sangat kuat.
16. Kursi ( ???? ) iaitu jisim nurani yang terletak di hadapan Arasy yang dipikul oleh 4 orang malaikat yang sangat besar. Saiz kursi lebih kecil dari ‘Arasy umpama cincin ditengah padang . Dalam bahasa mudah ia umpama singgahsana yang terletak dihadapan istana.
17. Seluruh makhluk pun menundukkan kepala kerana takut. Lalu dimulakan timbangan amal. Ketika itu berterbanganlah kitab amalan masing-masing turun dari bawah Arasy menuju ke leher pemiliknya tanpa silap dan tergantunglah ia sehingga mereka dipanggil untuk dihisab. Kitab amalan ini telah ditulis oleh malaikat Hafazhah / Raqib & ‘Atid / Kiraman Katibin.
18. Manusia beratur dalam saf mengikut Nabi dan pemimpin masing- masing. Orang kafir & munafik beratur bersama pemimpin mereka yang zalim. Setiap pengikut ada tanda mereka tersendiri untuk dibezakan.
19. Umat yang pertama kali dihisab adalah umat Nabi Muhammad s. a. w., dan amalan yang pertama kali dihisab adalah solat. Sedangkan hukum yang pertama kali diputuskan adalah perkara pertumpahan darah.
20. Apabila tiba giliran seseorang hendak dihisab amalannya, malaikat akan mencabut kitab mereka lalu diserahkan, lalu pemiliknya mengambil dengan tangan kanan bagi orang mukmin dan dengan tangan kiri jika orang bukan mukmin.
21. Semua makhluk akan dihisab amalan mereka menggunakan satu Neraca Timbangan. Saiznya amat besar, mempunyai satu tiang yang mempunyai lidah dan 2 daun. Daun yang bercahaya untuk menimbang pahala dan yang gelap untuk menimbang dosa.
22. Acara ini disaksikan oleh Nabi Muhammad s. a. w. dan para imam 4 mazhab untuk menyaksikan pengikut masing-masing dihisab.
23. Perkara pertama yang diminta ialah Islam. Jika dia bukan Islam, maka seluruh amalan baiknya tidak ditimbang bahkan amalan buruk tetap akan ditimbang.
24. Ketika dihisab, mulut manusia akan dipateri, tangan akan berkata- kata, kaki akan menjadi saksi. Tiada dolak-dalih dan hujah tipuan. Semua akan di adili oleh Allah Ta’ala dengan Maha Bijaksana.
25. Setelah amalan ditimbang, mahkamah Mahsyar dibuka kepada orang ramai untuk menuntut hak masing-masing dari makhluk yang sedang dibicara sehinggalah seluruh makhluk berpuas hati dan dibenarkannya menyeberangi titian sirat.
26. Syafaat Nabi Muhammad s. a.. w. di akhirat :
a. Meringankan penderitaan makhluk di Padang Mahsyar dengan mempercepatkan hisab.
b. Memasukkan manusia ke dalam syurga tanpa hisab.
c. Mengeluarkan manusia yang mempunyai iman sebesar zarah dari neraka.
Semua syafaat ini tertakluk kepada keizinan Allah Ta’ala.
27. Para nabi dan rasul serta golongan khawas juga diberikan izin oleh Tuhan untuk memberi syafaat kepada para pengikut mereka. Mereka ini berjumlah 70 000. Setiap seorang dari mereka akan mensyafaatkan 70 000 orang yang lain.
28. Setelah berjaya dihisab, manusia akan mula berjalan menuju syurga melintasi jambatan sirat. Siratul Mustaqim ialah jambatan (titian) yang terbentang dibawahnya neraka. Lebar jambatan ini adalah seperti sehelai rambut yang dibelah tujuh dan ia lebih tajam dari mata pedang. Bagi orang mukmin ia akan dilebarkan dan dimudahkan menyeberanginya.
29. Fudhail bin Iyadh berkata perjalanan di Sirat memakan masa 15000 tahun. 5000 tahun menaik, 5000 tahun mendatar dan
5000 tahun menurun. Ada makhluk yang melintasinya seperti kilat, seperti angin, menunggang binatang korban dan berjalan kaki. Ada yang tidak dapat melepasinya disebabkan api neraka sentiasa menarik kaki mereka, lalu mereka jatuh ke dalamnya.
30. Para malaikat berdiri di kanan dan kiri sirat mengawasi setiap makhluk yang lalu. Setiap 1000 orang yang meniti sirat, hanya seorang sahaja yang Berjaya melepasinya. 999 orang akan terjatuh ke dalam neraka.
Kitab Aqidatun Najin karangan Syeikh Zainal Abidin Muhammad Al- Fathani. Pustaka Nasional Singapura
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cerita Agak Merapu v.02
Found this funny stuff dari FB friend..dia letak kat status..membuat para pembaca tersenyum..hehe..
"puas nak melayan soalan rakan iaitu menamakan 10 jenis buah tempatan yg bermula dgn huruf 'N'.. Pak MB cuma dapat Nangka, Nona, Nenas.. Bagi dia mudah aje ler.. sebab.. dia sengau.. di mana semua buah (baginya) bermula dgn huruf 'N'.. Nurian.. Nambutan.. Nangsat..Nempedak, Nuku.. etc.."
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Penat Weih!!!
Ada perasaan menyesal jugak tadi balik lambat..bukan apa..balik awal rumah nanti mesti nak tido jap..dahlah time2 Maghrib..Ishkk..Ishhkk..Ishkkk..
*Pengajaran dari minggu ini..nak gi main FUTSAL..sile balek awal..utk rilex..tp kalau balik kerja kul 8pm..sila bawa baju persalinan terus..hehe..sebelum gi main FUTSAL (kena letak nih..kalau tak Ijad salah paham..haha) lakukan seperti harini..beli milo ngan roti choc..untuk alas perut..taklah pengsan nanti tengah2 maen kan..Lunch hour silalah makan nasi campur yg bertimbun..untuk tenaga..kalau boleh bertolak pas Isyak..sempat tuh sampai..20mins je dari umah..OK? (ini peringatan untuk diri sendiri tau..org laen cume bace je..jgn ikut..haha)
Habis lenguh satu badan..pinggang tergiliat..tangan & sendi2 terkedu..otot (tak usah citerlah..semakin bertambah naek..ala2 tegap lah orang kata..haha)..perut dah kempis (berangan lagi..)kesan lebam akibat dirembat diperut kelihatan..hahaha..tp tak patah semngat..minggu depan musti join lagi (kalau kewangan mengizinkan).
Anyways..harini agak FUN..cause dah lama tak meMUTSALkan diri..tp dalam2 FUN maseh ade kesedihan..itu kite citer nantilah ehh..TaTaaa...
*Pengajaran dari minggu ini..nak gi main FUTSAL..sile balek awal..utk rilex..tp kalau balik kerja kul 8pm..sila bawa baju persalinan terus..hehe..sebelum gi main FUTSAL (kena letak nih..kalau tak Ijad salah paham..haha) lakukan seperti harini..beli milo ngan roti choc..untuk alas perut..taklah pengsan nanti tengah2 maen kan..Lunch hour silalah makan nasi campur yg bertimbun..untuk tenaga..kalau boleh bertolak pas Isyak..sempat tuh sampai..20mins je dari umah..OK? (ini peringatan untuk diri sendiri tau..org laen cume bace je..jgn ikut..haha)
Habis lenguh satu badan..pinggang tergiliat..tangan & sendi2 terkedu..otot (tak usah citerlah..semakin bertambah naek..ala2 tegap lah orang kata..haha)..perut dah kempis (berangan lagi..)kesan lebam akibat dirembat diperut kelihatan..hahaha..tp tak patah semngat..minggu depan musti join lagi (kalau kewangan mengizinkan).
Anyways..harini agak FUN..cause dah lama tak meMUTSALkan diri..tp dalam2 FUN maseh ade kesedihan..itu kite citer nantilah ehh..TaTaaa...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
New Job Environment
Hello..As promised before..I am going to write a little bit on my "New Job Environment" in this entry..
My employment history as of December 08, 2009:
So on the 1st day..it was OKlah..Managed to wole up early..as early as 6 am tuh..then report in at KL Sentral..around 11 am went to site office at Menara TM (where all the action are supposed to be..hehe).
Got a Buddy named Afzal, 1st day I already gotten a free lunch..Pizza Hut..Nyum..Nyum..
What is a BUDDY??
A BUDDY is a program manufactured (nampak gempak..manufactured tuh) to help new joiners blend in with the people, the job scope, job responsibilities, the BUDDY will show you just about everything from A - Z..(I did say just about everything..there is still things that we need to learn ourselves). So yeah!!!that's a BUDDY. And on Wednesday (3rd day kerja) dapat lagi free lunch..It is part of the program..Trained all the workers to become absolutely FAT!!!.
For the 1st week..nothing much to be said..quite boring cause no real action..simple-simple task were given..learning on the pace of baby feet..so you imaginedlah kan..I evendidn't get my SAP ID yet..ohh by the way it is much more different than testing..I think I like this better..hehe..more adventurous..haha..
I would be lying..It's all about the money..Yeah baby!!!hehe..
So far so Good at my new place..Wish me all the Best!!!
My employment history as of December 08, 2009:
- Accenture (Technology Solutions Workforce)
- NorthgateArinso
- Accenture (Outsourcing Workforce)
So on the 1st day..it was OKlah..Managed to wole up early..as early as 6 am tuh..then report in at KL Sentral..around 11 am went to site office at Menara TM (where all the action are supposed to be..hehe).
Got a Buddy named Afzal, 1st day I already gotten a free lunch..Pizza Hut..Nyum..Nyum..
What is a BUDDY??
A BUDDY is a program manufactured (nampak gempak..manufactured tuh) to help new joiners blend in with the people, the job scope, job responsibilities, the BUDDY will show you just about everything from A - Z..(I did say just about everything..there is still things that we need to learn ourselves). So yeah!!!that's a BUDDY. And on Wednesday (3rd day kerja) dapat lagi free lunch..It is part of the program..Trained all the workers to become absolutely FAT!!!.
For the 1st week..nothing much to be said..quite boring cause no real action..simple-simple task were given..learning on the pace of baby feet..so you imaginedlah kan..I evendidn't get my SAP ID yet..ohh by the way it is much more different than testing..I think I like this better..hehe..more adventurous..haha..
I would be lying..It's all about the money..Yeah baby!!!hehe..
So far so Good at my new place..Wish me all the Best!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Terjemahan v.01 [Surah Al-A'laa]
Sambil mendengar bacaan Shaikh Mishary Rashid Al-Afas. Alunan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran. Malam ini tertarik dengan Surah Al-A'laa. Kemerduan suara sang pembaca menenangkan hati. Mari kita lihat terjemahan Surah Al-A'laa:-
Bertasbihlah mensucikan nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi (dari segala sifat-sifat kekurangan), -
Yang telah menciptakan (sekalian makhlukNya) serta menyempurnakan kejadiannya dengan kelengkapan yang sesuai dengan keadaannya;
Dan Yang telah mengatur (keadaan makhluk-makhlukNya) serta memberikan hidayah petunjuk (ke jalan keselamatannya dan kesempurnaannya);
Dan Yang telah mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumbuhan untuk binatang-binatang ternak,
Kemudian Ia menjadikan (tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menghijau) itu kering - (berubah warnanya) kehitam-hitaman.
Kami sentiasa menjadikan engkau (wahai Muhammad) dapat membaca (Al-Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu - dengan perantaraan jibril), sehingga engkau (menghafaznya dan) tidak lupa,
Kecuali apa yang dikehendaki Allah engkau lupakan; sesungguhnya Ia mengetahui (segala keadaan yang patut berlaku), dan yang tersembunyi.
Dan Kami tetap memberi kemudahan kepadamu untuk (melaksanakan segala perkara) Ugama yang mudah diterima oleh akal yang sihat.
Oleh itu berilah peringatan (kepada umat manusia dengan ajaran Al-Quran), kalau-kalau peringatan itu berguna (dan sudah tentu berguna);
Kerana orang yang takut (melanggar perintah Allah) akan menerima peringatan itu;
Dan (sebaliknya) orang yang sangat celaka akan menjauhinya,
Dia lah orang yang akan menderita bakaran neraka yang amat besar (azab seksanya),
Selain dari itu, ia tidak mati di dalamnya dan tidak pula hidup senang.
Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang yang - setelah menerima peringatan itu - berusaha membersihkan dirinya (dengan taat dan amal yang soleh),
Dan menyebut-nyebut dengan lidah dan hatinya akan nama Tuhannya serta mangerjakan sembahyang (dengan khusyuk).
(Tetapi kebanyakkan kamu tidak melakukan yang demikian), bahkan kamu utamakan kehidupan dunia;
Padahal kehidupan akhirat lebih baik dan lebih kekal.
Sesungguhnya (keterangan-keterangan yang dinyatakan) ini ada (disebutkan) di dalam Kitab-kitab yang terdahulu, -
Iaitu Kitab-kitab Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Musa.
Sedang berusaha menghafaz surah ini. Insyallah..Semoga Allah memberikan kecerdasan kepadaku untuk mengamalkannya. Bertasbihlah mensucikan nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi (dari segala sifat-sifat kekurangan), -
Yang telah menciptakan (sekalian makhlukNya) serta menyempurnakan kejadiannya dengan kelengkapan yang sesuai dengan keadaannya;
Dan Yang telah mengatur (keadaan makhluk-makhlukNya) serta memberikan hidayah petunjuk (ke jalan keselamatannya dan kesempurnaannya);
Dan Yang telah mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumbuhan untuk binatang-binatang ternak,
Kemudian Ia menjadikan (tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menghijau) itu kering - (berubah warnanya) kehitam-hitaman.
Kami sentiasa menjadikan engkau (wahai Muhammad) dapat membaca (Al-Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu - dengan perantaraan jibril), sehingga engkau (menghafaznya dan) tidak lupa,
Kecuali apa yang dikehendaki Allah engkau lupakan; sesungguhnya Ia mengetahui (segala keadaan yang patut berlaku), dan yang tersembunyi.
Dan Kami tetap memberi kemudahan kepadamu untuk (melaksanakan segala perkara) Ugama yang mudah diterima oleh akal yang sihat.
Oleh itu berilah peringatan (kepada umat manusia dengan ajaran Al-Quran), kalau-kalau peringatan itu berguna (dan sudah tentu berguna);
Kerana orang yang takut (melanggar perintah Allah) akan menerima peringatan itu;
Dan (sebaliknya) orang yang sangat celaka akan menjauhinya,
Dia lah orang yang akan menderita bakaran neraka yang amat besar (azab seksanya),
Selain dari itu, ia tidak mati di dalamnya dan tidak pula hidup senang.
Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang yang - setelah menerima peringatan itu - berusaha membersihkan dirinya (dengan taat dan amal yang soleh),
Dan menyebut-nyebut dengan lidah dan hatinya akan nama Tuhannya serta mangerjakan sembahyang (dengan khusyuk).
(Tetapi kebanyakkan kamu tidak melakukan yang demikian), bahkan kamu utamakan kehidupan dunia;
Padahal kehidupan akhirat lebih baik dan lebih kekal.
Sesungguhnya (keterangan-keterangan yang dinyatakan) ini ada (disebutkan) di dalam Kitab-kitab yang terdahulu, -
Iaitu Kitab-kitab Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Musa.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Hello all..Yup!!!Yesterday went & watched this movie..Aiseyman!!!Fantastico!!!Really good onelah..
OK!This is the second movie for the Twilight Saga called the New Moon..The first one will be the Twilight..Let's make a comparison shall we..
This is the 1st installation of the Saga..it was ordinary back then..nothing impressive..very dull..very slow..and I can live with it just watching once at the cinema..
New Moon:
Compared to Twilight..This one is much better..worth watching so many times..It has action, great CGI, good drama, comedy, romance..New Moon got all the package..Fascinating & Marvelous..Well this just me giving my opinion..If you guys don't like it then it's too bad..Hehe..
What about the plot?
Go and watch lah..I am not going to spoil it for you..Go!Go!
2 thumbs up weih!!!So 5 POPCORN should be appropriate..WOooT!WooOT!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
PAPAN NOTIS! [Birthday Shoutout December 2009]
Yup!!!Yup!!! 1st entry in December..I know..pelik kan dah lama tak update..this is just lepas gian sebab dah lama tak memblogkan diri..Untuk 1st day kerja di tempat baru akan diupdate tidak lama lagi..ini nak wish mereka yang ada birthday untuk bulan Disember ini..
Kita startlah untuk mereka yang sambut birthday harini:-
Selamat Hari Lahir..Semoga Allah memanjangkan usia kamu semua dan dimurahkan rezeki..Amin
Kita startlah untuk mereka yang sambut birthday harini:-
- Emil Aizat
- Farha Ismail
- Abang Awin (my sister)
- Alip
- Nabila Najat
- Nabila Halim
- Siapa lagi ekk??
Selamat Hari Lahir..Semoga Allah memanjangkan usia kamu semua dan dimurahkan rezeki..Amin
Monday, November 30, 2009
A Tribute
What I am about to write does not have a happy ending..It is a sad story..For a wonderful person, a lovely aunt and a GREAT human being..This is a tribute..
On the 27th of November 2009, when Muslims all around the world celebrating the holy day of Eid Mubarak..the whole Hj Nani family and I celebrated in tears. The lost of a loving mother to her sons and daughters,a loving grandmother to her grandchildren, a loving sister and a loving aunt.
Al-Fatihah, step one..Al-Fatihah, step two..Al-Fatihah, step three..Al-Fatihah, step four..Al-Fatihah, step five..Al-Fatihah, step six..Al-Fatihah, step seven..Every step we carry this wonderful person is a step closer to eternal life, every step I took when carry this wonderful person is a step reminding me I am heading to my rightful owner..Allah..and so is she..
Goodbye is not the final words a living person should say..We shall meet again in Jannah with all the Rahmat given to us by Allah is what we shall pray everyday..No human shall live forever..The All Mighty Allah will still remain..Let us remind ourselves..that by being dead does not mean we are safe..it is a reminder for us to be more and more faithful to Allah..the promise of Jannah is our target..
Allahyarham Nadiah bte Nani (what we called her amongst us cousins are Aunty Nonie)..she departed to meet her maker on the 27th November 2009, around 3.15am (if I am not mistaken). She is a loving, caring, fun to be with, cheerful, happy go lucky aunt. A favorite amongst the favorites. A lost I should say on behalf of my family. No more words can describe her greatness in life. To sum all the words into one, I can say she is a wonderful person.
You will be missed but shall not be forgotten..
You will be laid to rest but your laughter shall be remembered..your expression is priceless..your life is an extraordinaire..
You are a GREAT adventurer in your story book my aunt..now all the stories of your life will be a legend..May Allah blessed you..Al-Fatihah..
This is my mother's siblings:-
Nolan bin Nani
Nahidah bte Nani (my mother)
Nailah bte Nani
Narimah bte Nani
Noziah bte Nani
Sorry about the list..It is a reminder for us (the cousins) we still have duties to our mother or father to attend to..while they are still alive..let us not forget about them..they are the ones responsible for us when we are young, now they are older it is our responsibilities to provide for them..Insyallah..
Allahyarhamah Nadiah Bte Nani In Memory...
Allahyarhamah Nadiah Bte Nani In Memory...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
PAPAN NOTIS! [Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha 2009]
Hey Everyone..Just wanted to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha..May Allah blessed us again on this holiest of days..I will be away to be with my family in Batu Pahat..So there will be no updates for my blog during the period of deactivation until the reactivation date..Betul ke ayat aku ni??OK!!!Happy Holidays everyone!!!Enjoy!!!
Deactivation: 26th November 2009
Reactivation: 30th November 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sesi TT ~ Tony Roma's in March
OK!!!Someone wanted proof on the weight before the Game Begins!!!So Mrs. Wifey...Since your husband is very reluctant to read this blog..Could you tell him the weight is there..The dial is at 112kg..This is the proof and we can start the Bet!!!hehe..Sila lah inform ekk..
Monday, November 23, 2009
I say..It was a good movie..
This is a story about a prediction made by the Mayans long before the invention seismic calculator on the earth crust..Does that sounds right??Hehe..It is the End of the World, Judgement Day, Qiamat, Apocalypse or What ever you want to call it..
In the year 2009 (based on the movie), this guy name Adrian flies to India to meet with his friend on urgent matters. Little he found out that the trip changes his life, not just him but the entire human race. The cause of this apocalyptic events are because of the solar explosion made by the sun that was so powerful it sends radiation to earth (this is based on my understanding..haha..) core and melted away the earth's crust. It started when the planets are aligned and till the year 2012 all preparations needed are almost ready for disposal, Apocalypse started.
The movie are done with cool effects and the cinematography are great. But during the course of this movie, the escaped part played by John Cusack was totally Bull#&%$ Pardone mon Francais..hehe..anyway it was a good movie..nice storyline..logically explained on the turn of events (some actually), narrated in a good way. Funny scenes (the part where the Queen, Elizabeth are trying to get the dogs in the arc or when to old ladies just came back from buying groceries), a few drama scene showed very well to the extent I connected with the movie..Cewahh!!!Haha..(the part when Adrian called his father, it was touching..I wished I can call my father).
To sum it all up..I rated this movie with 4 POPCORNS..Brava..Brava..
The Poster above shown is when California fell to bottom of Pacific Ocean..
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Mari Belajar v.01
20th November 2009,
Ada orang bertanyakan perihal satu perkataan nih..tapi tak taulah samada semua tau maksud die ke idak kan..Mari Belajar:
Saper tau ayat ini boleh digunakan masa bila???
Tak tau takpe..meh sini aku terangkan dengan ayat-ayat lazim digunakan bersama perkataan ini:
- Macam hape je minum bebanyak kan dah nak MEMBESEH tak tentu hala je..
- Bang!Boleh stop kan bas nih kat memana tak? Dah tak tahan nak MEMBESEH nih..
- Kau nih memang kuat MEMBESEHlah..kan tadi baru je gi..
- Aku dah cakap tadi jangan minum banyak sangat kan dah asek nak MEMBESEH je..
- Kau ehh tadi gi MEMBESEH? Habis bau petai siot..Hampeh sungguh!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
20th November 2009,
It is now 4.44pm on a Friday evening..Al-Fatihah to my late Atuk Allahyarham Jaffar Abdul Majid and my late Dad Allahyarham Sheikh Abdullah Hussin..
I was taking a nap around 3.15pm when the weather outside submit to windy and drizzly..It was really a good time..Oh I mean the best time to take a nap..
I dream..I can't remember what it is about but I remember I was in my room..and walking towards the toilet to enter when suddenly two people entering the toilet in the dark..I opened the lights..there they was..my Uncle Pes and my cousin Nizad was there. So meaning Nizad is going to used it then my uncle was showing the way.
I went out to used the upstairs bathroom..but outside there were so many people but I can't make out the people other than Maklong and Khalil..at that time Maklong was talking about her new home and about renting it..and talked about new job and something I can't make out..then she just move back a little and Atuk's face..exactly like he was when he was alive..with the smile on his face and he said to me..
"Dah kerjakan sekarang..Tak ingat kat atuk ehh??Sekali-sekala bagilah sedekah.."
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Blog Away
19th November 2009,
Nowadays..OKlah..Since Monday..asyik nak memblog jer..tapi this time most of the entries are like my mini diarieslah..except I didn't put in all the exact details..sometimes you got to keep something for yourself..not all matters can be shared with other people kan..
I know some entries are kind of boring without the actions and thrills to accompany each stories..but hey..this is what I like to write..and because I don't have good stories to tell..hehe..and by blogging it does help with my emotions..really it does..you write what you feel even though not all of it..in the end you feel relief..rasa best gilalah lepas tuh..
Today nothing much happened..Syafiq got his UPSR result out. Congratulations to him for his 4 A's..kind of surprised when usually he played games most of the time..I am impressed..Emm..what other things I might add..None..hehe..I really wished to go and watch 2012..but someone told me the storyline Sucks!!!Even the effects are Great!!!Well..download jerlah..lagipun I need to save some money..Other than that nothing special..So it's a simple & nice day for me at home..
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Good News
18th November 2009,
Today is like every ordinary day. Woke up late. But got a call from FR. He asked me to join him to Pavilion. We stopped by at Jalan Bellamy for Ikan Bakar. That is our lunch. Sorry I didn't took my camera along if not bolehlah buat review sikitkan about that place. I can't remember which shop sells the best "Burn Fish" in town.
After that we went to Pavilion, FR wanted to complaint yet again on his new phone (mantops weih HP baru dia..POWER!). Arrived there went straight to the shop. Lucky today that guy tak buat perangai dengan mengamuk tahap Dewa Berantai Level Kelapanbelas. Harini FR agak mild. Hahaha..It was raining heavily that time and inside me wishing to go to Starbucks to have one Venti Hot Caramel Machiatto. Best tuh.
Tak lama lah we are there about 3.30pm dah on the way balik and the rain still drizzling and at some part it's heavy pour. I was driving the car. Today hired to be his driver. Hahaha...
Sampai simpang nak ke The Curve nak masuk balik BU..around 4.07pm..a number I remembered when the first time they called. Nih no. %$#*&@#&. When we talked about 2 minutes after she explain something I didn't bother to know. She said, Congratulations!!!Yeay!!!Alhamdulillah!That is GOOD NEWS!!!I was hired. The pay was even better. Earn ermm..hmm..a little bit more (I can't give the exact figure but it is what I targeted for this year..hehe). The benefits were normal with all the insurances, medical & dental benefits etc..macam tuhlah.
So again..I praised to ALLAH for the blessing. I am thankful to Allah. Alhamdulillah. Guys/Gals lets pray for my success in the long run. Hope that I can be a better man than I was before for the job. Amin.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
There and Back Again
17th November 2009,
First of all..who knows from what movie does my title belongs too??a clue..Bilbo..hee..
The second interview for this month. And it is kind of a last minute thing. The story goes...
Late office hour at around 5.30pm, it was drizzling rather heavily yesterday and I took a snooze around 5.00pm. The sound of my phone ringtone Galway Girl - Steve Eale blasted away. I picked up, and a recruiter name Eleanor was on the line. She invited me for an interview and it cannot be later than today. So I said yes to her that today will be fine. And as always this particular company requested something out of the ordinary from other companies. Scanning of a few documents. Luckily this house is fully equipped. Hehe..
I can't really sleep that night and went to slumber rather late. I woke up it was already 10.00am. I got ready quickly because there is few things I need to do, photostatting documents and scanning some more. At 12.30pm all the things I needed to do was done. And now we wait...
At 2.00pm, I started my bike engine and strode away with the wind in my back. Cewahh!!!Dramaticlah pulak kan..Arrived at the venue with half and hour to spare. So got up to one the highest level and waited to start with the interview. The interviewer was 10 minutes late because she was in a meeting. There is nothing special about this interview but I got the feeling that I really nailed it. Meaning I think I have high chances in getting the position hopefully. The interview session the same as always asked generic questions and I gave my generic answers. It really went well. By 4.10pm the interview is done.
While I was in the room I looked outside and it was raining madly. But towards the end I am relief that the rain stops. No wonder it was so cold in there. Brrrr...So on my way back I met with Khu at the elevator. Pray for my success will you guys??The story does not end there, the weather was fine on my way back. But towards 200 meters reaching No. 15..the rain pours like people with no bladder control. Reached home with my clothes, phones, box of cigarette soaked in wetness. Rugi my rokoks..hahaha..and now my body temperature is a little bit high..dizzy..hopefully tomorrow I will be OK..
Monday, November 16, 2009
My Feet Hurts Like Crazy
The date is 15 November 2009,
Just came back from Bestari at Hartamas after a long "Lepaking" with friends on Teh Tarek and Life as We Live It..Got to bed at exactly when the chime starts beating at 4.00am..
The alarm blasted it's heavy metal sound furiously asked me to wake up and get ready..Lazily I walked towards the empty bathroom whilst the light was still flickering itself..
Standing inside a huge hall with my trusted earphone stuck in my ear listening to TI and JT - Dead & Gone..Why did I deserved to be out of bed early Sunday morning inside this empty huge hall..A mistake that I shall remember and make sure it will not occur again in the future..
Take the things back to the hotel room..leave the parked car at the convention center..and use the coupon for a free complimentary breakfast (first time I felt I was Sunny Side Up!!!)..Gone down to the hotel cafe..Ate a light breakfast (consist of Scramble Eggs, Omelet, Beef Bacon, Small Frankfurters & Pink Guava juice).
At the corner of the hotel, standing alone with a stick in my mouth..Puffing away all those smokes out of my lungs when suddenly my phone rang..Breakfast at Binjai? I declined immediately. 2 minutes later..breakfast? where are you at? Another conversation after that. I declined again.
It is strange when my Free Sunday morning previous weeks, no one called for breakfast, not even a SMS but No!When I have to work that day, 3 invitations to breakfast. Amazingkan? Oh. 3 invitations is I received 2 calls and a SMS. Respectfully I declined to all but requested them to join me at the convention center. Which I doubted very much they would come.
Time flies..11.00am..
Short briefing..Still got no idea what was I supposed to do..the event starts at 2.00pm..I was the bell boy, bus boy, garcon, delivery commettee, ushering committee and a lot of other things but most of the time just standing around like Lady Liberty without the Torch on my right hand and tabula ansata tablet on my left except it was replaced by a more 21st century equipment..A walkie talkie.
Can we go in now? There were like 2,000 or more people standing right at the door to enter the hall. You can hear children screaming, crying, men and women talking, whispering, laughing and worst "Gossiping". The traditional Malay culture. No gossip = No Fun.
The event started..the participants, delegates, people rushed in like mad cows in the ranch. It is not easy with people as to cows..at least cows listen to your instruction. People tend to think what they do is the best but they suck at it..I am not going to tell what happened during the 3 hours of my hand going up to my brains and swirl it around..It is bad enough to compare them to cows..Ooppss..Pardon my French..
My phone vibrates..I have to again declined an offer to join a special occasion..I am truly sorry for that because I got to work..Arghhh!!!and it did not made me a Millionaire. I was forced booked about a month ago to work on the 15th..Darn it!!!I missed the FUN!!!
The longest time I felt, my legs soar..my ankle were successfully been broken in 3 parts and don't let me start with my feet..The first part of the event ended..and at 7.30pm the second part (the Gala Dinner) starts. With a small briefing on what to do (which by the way is nothing much) and by the time briefing is done it was already 7.10pm..Still from breakfast till now, No! food was served for us except 2 pieces of McD chicken nuggets..
Fast Forward..10.30pm
The entertainer that night was Helmi the Gimmick..something like thatlah..He was Good at entertaining..and I spent about an hour sitting when before that running around the hall searching for Male & Female Best dressed competition. The winner for best dress got away with 2 tickets to Bali..Nice!My stomach was grumbling, my feet is..speechless to say..and still haven't ate..Just bought 1 20's of Dunhill finest in the morning and right then left with 3 sticks..Made friend with the photographer from FR & ENAR wedding..
Officially at 12.00am..
The event is Over!!!I am officially hungry, cranky, stinky, grumpy, sleepy and many more unused words that I think off. No more events like this for me i guess..Try to keep far away from it..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Happy Birthday
This is "My Jalang" aka my motorbikelah...She celebrated her birthday yesterday on the 13th of November 2009. It has already been a year with her. My trusted companion. Hehehe..A year has passed and there is no hardship between our relationship I hope this continue for a very long period of time. Happy Birthday again "My Jalang"..
Friday, November 13, 2009
Paths of Glory
"I should not have needed to travel halfway round the world to discover that without you I am nothing, as many less fortunate men with envy in their eyes have oft reminded me, and they do not know the half. Ask any one of them what he would sacrifice for that first moment of passion to last a lifetime, and he would tell you half his days, because no such woman exists. They are wrong. I have found that woman, and nothing will ever take her place, certainly not this ice-cold maiden that slumbers above me.
Some men boast of their conquest. The truth is, I've had but one, as I loved you from the moment I first saw you. You are my waking morning, you are my setting sun."
-passage from the book..the last letter the husband wrote to his wife..
This book by Jeffrey Archer is based on a true story..
It is debatable till this day that it is not Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953 was the first Englishmen to conquered Everest. It is said, based on this book that maybe George Leigh Mallory was the first together with Sandy Irvine. Like I said it is debatable.
Well the book tells us the story and life of Mr. George Leigh Mallory from his early life, school life, college & university years, the work life, mountaineering experienced, marriage, the Great War (back then during 1900's it is called that..now we know it as World War I), the first Everest expedition and the final days Mr. Mallory.
It is a wonderful book telling us how Mr. Mallory shows is exquisite behavior as an English Gentlemen with his politeness and the ways he woos his wife Ruth. Thrilling and exciting his life must be. I do envy him in certain ways told by the author. I too dream of having a loving wife and perfect family.
Even though in the end, a dreadful ending is to be expected. Meaning that this story doesn't have a happy ending. It is recommended to you guys/gals to read this.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Interview
Note: The story I am about to tell is based on a true story but with added exaggerated effect and cool incident to spice it up. Mostly during the time the interview started so that the person the story teller going to tell will look more Macho & Professional..hahaha..
The story begins when a young man with essentially good looks and smart received a phone call during a smoking sessions with his friends.
"Hello, can I speak to Mr. Rob Thomas please."
"Yes. This Rob speaking. How may I help you sir? and may I know who is on the line?"
"Mr. Thomas. This is Krishna on the line. I am calling from *&^%$ and would like to tell about a particular job opening with *&^#%. Are you free to talk now?"
That's how this thrilling and adventure story started to flow. Rob was mostly happy after that and couldn't care less about his tiredness walking around the shopping mall for half of his Saturday. Not long after that call, he received a SMS from an alien number.
"Good day to you. This is a reminder on our interview tomorrow at Hilton Sentral which will start at 9am. Looking forward to see you tomorrow." message received at 18.52pm
That was odd said Rob to himself. On a Saturday? and could it be that fast? Oh well, he said. He got nothing to lose by going anyway. So after that good news he spent most of his days till dinner with his lovely friends. One thought came to his mind, he needs to brush up on his software skills before the interview tomorrow. He is smart lad, with an IQ of Einstein (I warned you this story will be exaggerated..hehe) after loitering with his friends that night he started to pour himself inside the WWW and looked up everything he needed on TM & PY, t-codes, configuration procedures and steps, configure codes and etc. It took him two hours to study this stuff until he gave in to master bed at 4.00am.
On Sunday Morning...
Rob didn't slept well that night, he slept about 45 minutes and woke up feeling scared and his nervous system is making him sweat like facing a mad bull. He opened up the notes again to study a little bit more before he got ready for the interview.
At 5.30am, he took his towel and went in to the bathroom. Half an hour he spent in that box shape room to prepare himself. After taking the coldest shower in his life, got back in his room and took out a fine blue color shirt from the wardrobe. The tag perfectly says "Ralph Lauren". Silky and expensive look for today's event. Then he moved to the drawer and took out his custom made gold cuff-link with his initial "RT" in silver.
He moved back to the wardrobe and opened it, ironed black, blue, and brown slacks are ready for his disposal. He took the one in blue to match his light colored blue shirt. The materials were made of silk and smooth surface touches his skin. The feel of pride and magnifique rushes through his veins. He felt like he was winning the battle already before it even started.
Outside, his black Harley-Davidson VRSCDX Night Rod Special was waiting for him. With a slight touch on the start button, the engine roars in the cold Sunday morning. His watch showed it was half past seven. He then went back inside, opened up another drawer and all of his silk ties was staring up at him. Made of finest silk from China (exactly took up 50 caterpillar to made his blue and silver line tie) he took and wear them to finished his exquisite look for the interview.
Sharp at 8.00am, the Harley sped up through the neighborhood leaving back dust and debris on the road and Rob ride to Hilton Sentral. By 8.15am he arrived at the hotel lobby. Signaling to the valet to park his Harley.
Entered the hotel lobby with his elegance and strode away with medium steps to the concierge.
"Good morning fine sir. How may I help you this morning?" said a fine looking woman at the concierge.
"Well you can certainly help me. I have an interview session with *&^%# and where is it? and add your phone number to that. Thanks." said Rob.
"The interview is on the 6th Floor, Central Conference Room and here you go sir." the woman said and slide Rob a piece of paper.
His Bvlgari Diagono Professional Aria watch showed it was already twenty minutes past eight. He needs to pick at the pace to give a good impression to the interviewer. By the time he stepped out of the elevator door the interviewer was already waiting for him.
"Good morning Mr. Thomas, you arrived half an hour early? I am impressed. Have you had your breakfast yet? Come and join me." said the interviewer.
"Well, I have always made "Time is precious for me, and time is gold for you sir" as my motto. Never disappoint the other party by not be there on time. Because to you everything is money and to respect that I am early today and forever will be. I haven't and certainly it would be my pleasure." said Rob.
"So Mr. Thomas, tell me about yourself, what is your past experiences? and if you don't mind, I'll be conducting the interview here." said Mr. Langley the interviewer.
"Sure. I am very delighted. I have a Master, bachelors degree and diploma in &%#*@. Spent about 7 years on my education. During that time I busied myself with curricular activities and the best time spent during my tenure in the student council. I have 2 years working experience in a well owned companies and another 2 years of unofficial experiences while I was taking my Master's. Most of the experience is in software *&%$# and enhancement." said Rob.
"I see. I know that you are a dedicated man. I will take that into consideration and why is that you are applying for this particular position? The advertised position clearly states that we need people with 5 years experience and your CV shows that you have 3 years. Furthermore what you did was inadequate to the position applied." said Mr. Langley.
"Well sir. The experiences I have to the particular position applied only a mere of 3 years but during that time the business processes I have successfully studied and very confident about it. It is time for me to get into it. And I have ample time to learn and acquire the knowledge even though no in-depth experience on the hands-on but I am capable of performing the task and it will be a step higher from my current position. It is the best way for anyone to move a step up on his or her career ladder." answered Rob.
"As I can see here on your CV, you have a really in-depth experience on software &*%#$. We have a vacant position in that area. It is what we called Global Software &*#$% Specialist. And we need someone like you in that team. After due consideration I think you can perform well in that department. Or do you still considering to join our Global Solution department?" asked Mr. Langley.
"That is a tough choice ain't it. I didn't know there is the Global Software *&%#$ Specialist in vacancy. I am really interested in joining the Global Solution department but since there is a new opportunity that is related more closely with my experience. I would gladly be applying for that. Is there a good career development in that area Mr. Langley?" asked Rob.
"Of course there is. And I am happy to hear you are considering to applied for the Global Software &*$%# Specialist. I will not be interviewing you on that but what I can say now is that I am very pleasant in seeing you in the future. About the career development, since the Global Solution is still on the development stage, we will send people from GSQS to training. The boss is in the States. Most probably the training will be there and if you are hired you will be communicating with him in the States. I think I have all the information I needed. Thanks again for coming on short notice. Come. Lets eat." said Mr. Langley.
The interview ended with a Bang! Rob was certainly terrified at first but now he was really relief. 2 - 3 weeks the company will send notifications on the successful candidates to fill in the vacant positions. For that short period of time, his mind was calculating the possibilities whether he is going to be successful or not. Now everything to him is in fate's hand. In God he Trust.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
3 Men & A Baby
Another photo I wanted to share with you guys /gals..Since that I have all the time in the world nowadays..Why don't I fill it with these kind of hobbies. Like editing photos, brushed up my skill using photoshop, look around for other editing tools and learn more on how to take GREAT pictures..
You guys still remember the movie 3 Men and A Baby? Well this can be the Malaysian version..Hehe..Nolah..Just kidding..All the 3 male models up there are my close friends..the one at the right with the crossing arms is the father to the kid..The other 2 are the babysitters..One in the middle prepare the milk and the one on the left change diapers..Haha..
Just to share this splendid memory..Enjoy!!!
Another Try on Baby Nia
Once more..I experimented on the pictures of Baby Nia..hehe..I am supposed to be studying on Time Management & Payroll but editing pictures consume me..So this is the end result..OK?? Still so and so ekk??
Got to try more harder..Till next time..Hehe..Got to study now at 7.15am..Got 1 more hour to go..Chaiyoookkk!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Baby Nia
To Mr. Fahmi & Mrs. Nany,
I used your daughter's picture to create this photo. Nak mengasah skill edit gambar..Hehe..Boleh ehh??No royalty or "Wang Ehsan" will be paid to you guys..Just for fun...Sebab gambar Baby Nia yang ni macam COMEL sikit..hehe
Thank You..
Yeay!!! I know how create pictures like this..OK! Now can move on to my next ART project..hehe..
Thursday, November 5, 2009
3 Months Anniversary
Has it been 3 months already? Man how time fly..
I have been jobless for 3 months now..after graduate pun it didn't took me this long to find a job..Malaysia still in the credit crunch ke? I thought every part of the world are reviving..*Dang
No matter, No matter..In God I Trust!!!
Anyone reading this..you got job? Hehe..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Cuit-Cuit v.07 [Check on Immigration Blacklist]
Do you take PTPTN?
Have you paid your PTPTN lately?
Do you know if you didn't pay yet you are amongst the lucky ones to be blacklisted by the Immigration Department?
You want to check your name?
Here are the steps:
My result is clear. I am still not in the blacklist yet!!!Yeaaahaaaaa!!! I am safe for now..*Dang
Need to pay sooner or later..
PS: Someone requested me to just put the link. Here you go!
Have you paid your PTPTN lately?
Do you know if you didn't pay yet you are amongst the lucky ones to be blacklisted by the Immigration Department?
You want to check your name?
Here are the steps:
- Go to http://www.ptptn.gov.my
- Then browse until you see Check on Important Info
- Click on the Check on Immigration Blacklist
- Pop-up Window will show you this screen:
- Enter you NEW Identification Card number and click on the button "Semak"
- Your result screen:
My result is clear. I am still not in the blacklist yet!!!Yeaaahaaaaa!!! I am safe for now..*Dang
Need to pay sooner or later..
PS: Someone requested me to just put the link. Here you go!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Cuit-Cuit v.06 [Buy a Home on the Moon?]
*click on the image to view in large size..
Hahaha..Crazy siot kalau macam nih...Itulah sekarang ni macam-macam ada...So anyone interested in buying a land on the moon??
They are targeting 2015 people are going to have a comfy home with a fireplace...So come on people? Pick your SPOT!!!
Good Location (not in a BAD neighbourhood)
Live among the STARS (reportedly Brad & Angelina is going to be there, Obama's have confirm to live beside Will Smith..So what are you waiting for...)
Kempen: Jadikan Bulan sebagai Planet No.2 anda!!!
To Do List for this Week
- To finish reading Jeffery Archer - Path of Glory
- To finish reading Dan Brown - Digital Fortress
Renew "My Jalang" road tax & insurance(Note: 13 November 2009)- Write review for the 2 books
If got some more additional things to do..Will be added accordingly..
Cerita add-on..
Yes, road tax and insurance sudah renewed..This Thursday or Friday siap..Gosh!I had to pay RM401.00 for the insurance & road tax..Now I am officially BROKE!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
PAPAN NOTIS! [Blog Re-Design 2009 Completed]
Hoorayyyyy...I have successfully Re-Design my Blog page...thanks to the people that created this template...It is GREAT!!!
Well...now my page can be access by anyone...anyone can view, read, and even leave a comment for my posts without registering first...Ok kan?? So why not you guys/gals just leave me a comment once in a while...comment about anythinglah k??
Now we have the Chat Box everyone..hehe..
So PEOPLE...enjoy with the NEW FACE LIFT...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunset @ Seria

Tiba-tiba pulak ada Label baru bertajuk my art of photography...takpela...biar apa pun orang nak kata...well maybe this is the first...the picture was taken when I was in Seria, Brunei...a day after my accident over there...I like the view and the serenity here...its nice...love it!!!
This is not the first...the poster should be the first one...hehe..
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Restaurant: Pannaz
Location : @ Damansara Perdana
Served : Local Delights, Western and Eastern foods
The food here is GREAT!!! Yesterday was my second time there. The first time I went there I had the Meat Platter and Aglio Olio...before Aglio Olio was not that tasty compared to yesterday's meal. Nyum! Nyum!
Yesterday I had the Spaghetti with Lamb Meatball. Not bad I assured you.Not bad at all. It tasted more like Malaysian cuisine compared to Italian style with a lot of tomato sauce. It is also a bid spicy...I loike!!!
Nas and Ana had the Fettuccine Carbonara and Aglio Olio. The Carbonara was excellent, it was also tasty and the Aglio Olio compared to the last time I ate there, this time is way better. I loike it again...So far so good ehh???
Kiyai had the Nyonya Fried Rice, the rice was GOOD. It tasted like Serai and Bunga Kantan mixed together...again I loike it!!!Hee...The chicken was also nice...No doubt about it...But if you guys from Pannaz read this..please make sure your keropok tak lemau OK??yesterday the keropok lemau giler...So take note on that...
With the choice of Iced Longan the foods are PERFECT!!!
Overall I rate this place 5 STAR for my kind of food...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sesi TT ~ My Friend went to London...
The t-shirt says it all...by the way THANKS A LOT Azhari...although kalau kau tak tercicirkan baju Arsenal itu lebih afdal...hehe...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Subak Restaurant
Gado-Gado for Appetiatizer
Fish...again I don't know masak apa...hehe..sorry
Mix Vege
Calamari Rings with Fried Potato
The end result after mixed together in a plate...Nyum!!!...hehe
The Occasion: Auntie Ros's Birthday
Location: Subak Restaurant
The foods was NICE...the portion was small and luckily I sat with people that doesn't eat much..hehe..
I like the prawns, the fish and the calamari rings...these are the NICEST ONES...the Tom Yam was a bit weird...I have taste better...This was the Hidang Set...I don't what is the total price but I tell you it's pretty expensive...I think for special occasion like your wife/husband/gf/bf birthday and just the 2 of you worth going here...It's kind of a romantic place to be...Inside a forest..hehe..
Location: Subak Restaurant
The foods was NICE...the portion was small and luckily I sat with people that doesn't eat much..hehe..
I like the prawns, the fish and the calamari rings...these are the NICEST ONES...the Tom Yam was a bit weird...I have taste better...This was the Hidang Set...I don't what is the total price but I tell you it's pretty expensive...I think for special occasion like your wife/husband/gf/bf birthday and just the 2 of you worth going here...It's kind of a romantic place to be...Inside a forest..hehe..
Well..I rate this place 4 STAR...
Restaurant Address:
Lot 3213 Jalan Penchala Indah
Bukit Lanjan 60000
Kuala Lumpur
*Parking available at the side of the road.
From DU/BU on the LDP towards Kepong (Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong)
- Drive past One Utama on your left and Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) on your right heading towards Kepong.
- Take the exit towards Damansara Perdana after passing Ikea on the left.
- At the traffic lights at the bottom of the slope, turn right into the LDP tunnel and keep to the left towards Kg Sg Penchala.
- Go straight until you meet a T-junction.
- Turn left and go straight for approximately 500 meters past some small shops and car workshops.
- Turn right onto Jalan Bukit Lanjan 2 and drive to the end of the road and you will meet Jalan Penchala Indah.
- Turn left and Subak is 150 meters on your right.
From the Penchala Link (via Jalan Duta)
- After exiting the Penchala Link tunnel from KL, take the TTDI exit and turn right at the traffic lights under the flyover onto Jln Datuk Sulaiman.
- Go straight into Kg Sg Penchala until you reach a T-junction where you’ll see the yellow coloured Masjid Jamek Sg Penchala.
- Turn left onto Jln Sg Penchala and go straight for 100 meters until you reach one set of traffic lights.
- Turn right onto Jalan Sri Penchala / Jalan Penchala Indah and go down this road for about 1km.
- After a final sweeping corner, Subak is on your right
From LDP Sri Damansara Toll (Bandar Sri Damansara, Desa Park City , Kepong etc)
- After the Sri Damansara Toll, keep left and take the first left exit into Bukit Lanjan.
- Turn left at the T-junction and go straight passing a tunnel on the left.
- Turn at the first right junction into Jalan Penchala Indah
- Subak is about 200 meters on your left
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