Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 15th, 2011

It is My Birthday!!!My 25th birthday(I'm 28 actually..Booo!!!)..Yeay!!!One of my best birthdays ever. Really I meant every word I said. Don't believe me?

Look here:
  1. I've got a free ride to Port Dickson (to & from+toll)
  2. 2 days & 1 night at Thistle Resort & Spa Port Dickson (one of the best birthday gifts ever OK)
  3. Rest & Relax for the weekend of my birthday (What more that I want right?)
  4. Surprised cup cakes on my birthday
  5. Seafood dinner that is cheap & delicious at Restaurant Nasreen Seafood
  6. Dinner treat at William's eating Spaghetti Butter Prawn (thanks Azreen *wink*
  7. Hot chocolate at Starbucks and chit-chating the night away
  8. Wonderful messages & wishes from families & friends (You guys/gals ROCK!)

Dinner treat at William's from Azreen..thanks babe!(I shall return the favor on July 24th..OK?)
Special mini muffins just for me!!!Yeay!!!Alhamdulillah
I never wanted 1 million worth of presents but what I need on my birthday are with families and friends. Also those special people that comforts me. These gorgeous people are absolutely AWESOME! 28th birthday is a BLAST!!!Love you all...


azreen said...

welcome dude ;) hehe

Half-Blood Maleh said...

i want chocolate cake plak..please..

azreen said...

argh! wait for ur 30th birthday. hahahahaha.

Half-Blood Maleh said...

why 30th plak???29 no cake maa???haha..nak next week choc cake..ok???yeay!thanks azreen